[08] Doing it anywhere

884 40 31

District 8, Seoul
Stay neighbourhood

↪Third person pov↩

         "My paintings are in my room, I kinda hide it from my family," Ryujin explained to Hyunjin who was trailing behind her, occasionally humming and nodding when necessary.

He had proposed Felix's idea and Ryujin was quite excited about it. They decided to check hers first, then his the next day.

Hyunjin wanted to ask why she hides her paintings, but decided against it, he felt like it was something more personal and they're not that close. . .yet.

"Hope you don't mind?" Ryujin turned to him, crashing his truck of thoughts, her eyelids battered as she anticipated his reply.

Its just to look at her paintings, right? Nothing too extreme, so why would he have second thoughts?

"Of course not," Hyunjin gave a single nod and that was enough to make Ryujin smile.

They walked a certain distance, until Ryujin finally spot an all too familiar house tucked away in a rather simple yard. Flowers littered the tiny and well trimmed shrub that surrounded the house. Other than that, it was simply neat and quiet.

"Oh and one more thing. My Dad has a day off today, so yeah?"

Its just her Dad right? Not a huge monster. And plus Hyunjin has had encounters with tons of Dads, pfft, its no problem.


Ryujin looked at Hyunjin's panicked expression and snorted. "Geez, calm down, he's probably asleep or tucked away in the study, reading."

"Double sweet," Finally having a little weight off his shoulder, the brunette grinned, showing thumbs up to the girl in front of him.

When Ryujin saw that he was finally relaxed, she rang the door bell repeatedly, until loud footsteps and incoherent bits of tiny rants approached the door.

"Ryu, I swear-" The blonde tired looking female paused, she stretched her hand forward, using it to push Ryujin away from the view that caught her attention. "Well Hello."

"Hi," Hyunjin slowly waved at the unfamiliar face, his other hand had gripped his bag tighter. He flashed a smile, causing the blonde to shriek.

Ryujin rolled her eyes and grunted.

That caught her sister's attention and the female pulled her into the house, shutting the door on Hyunjin's face. "Who the heck is that?" She asked, pressing Ryujin against the door.

"Some guy at school," Half hearted, Ryujin replied, not even bothering to break free from her sister's grasp.

"You like him?"


"He likes you?"


"Are you dating?"

"If I don't like him and he doesn't like me, then how are we dating?"

Sana hummed, pushing the younger aside, she swung the door open, only to see a fidgeting Hyunjin, whose gaze was pinned on a small gnome holding a rake. "Hi, again. Sorry for slamming the door like that, I needed to interrogate Jinnie over here, come in, come in."

Hesitantly, Hyunjin stepped inside, trying hard not to look around as he thought it be rude.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No," Ryujin immediately cut off the question, standing in between her sister and a random guy at school. "We came here for a very important reason so, Hyunjin this is Sana, Sana this is Hyunjin."

"Nice to meet you," Hyunjin extended his hand for a handshake, which Sana gladly received but the problem was letting go.

Ryujin faked cough to signal her sister– who was grinning maddeningly– to let go of his hand. "Sana!"

"Getting possessive, are we?" Sana wiggled her brow at the shorter, a lopsided smirk on her lips.

"No," Ryujin tried defended herself.

"Fine, I'll just tell Dad that you came home with a super hot and handsome guy."

"What the heck?"

"DAD! RYU CAME HOME WITH A. . ." She didn't get to finish her sentence which was interrupted when Ryujin jumped on her, using her hands to press her lips shut.

Hyunjin looked away, stiffing his laugh at how unexpected that was. Her school life is totally the opposite at home and plus her sister's bluntness was quite amusing.

"I'm joking, Dad isn't home," Sana sat up, panting for air.

Ryujin glared at her before grabbing Hyunjin's wrist and pulled him up to her room. She could still hear her sister laughing but chose to ignore it.

"I'm sorry about Sana, she's a bit. . ." Ryujin trailed off, fumbling with her keys as she tried to unlock her door. "Crazy."

"It's okay, I think she's funny," Hyunjin shrugged, inwardly snickering about the previous occurrence. That was the first time he had actually seen Ryujin panicked.

"Its funny, until its not," the ravenette sighed. She pushed opened her door, revealing the mess of a room. Her eyes immediately grew wide and her jaw agape.

She rushed in and slammed the door shut on Hyunjin's face, picking up random clothes, wrappers, materials and duvet that casually laid on the floor.

She hurriedly made her bed, ran to her desk to arrange the littered books and then to the door.

Huffing, Ryujin was standing face to face with Hyunjin who had suggested inwardly that slamming the door was a regular thing. "Sorry, I promise its never like this, I'm just stressed lately."

Hyunjin slowly backed away from their close proximity, taking deep breaths to get his thoughts and heartbeats together. "Its okay, I don't mind doing it anywhere."

Ryujin narrowed her eyes, side eyeing the male, who, yet again just realized his words. "Boy, your choice of words scares me."

---------• ° -😣- ° •---------

- Her paintings
- isn't it too soon?

Anyways hi, how are you?
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Charmer | HyunjinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt