[26] Kissing back

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Coffee cavern
Booth #5

↪Third person pov↩

       "Hi," Ryujin muttered, folding into herself in discomfort, her eyes quickly averted from the brown haired to Felix, a weak smile on her lips, her eyes prying to know why Hyunjin was here too.

She was not informed.

Felix's beam even grow wider, he scooted a bit, patting a spot for the ravenette to sit. "Hey Ryujin, glad you could make it!" His deep voice chirped.

Hesitantly, Ryujin sat next to the blonde, avoiding eye contact with the perplexed brunette opposite, she kept her hands on the table, twiddling them in anticipation.

Hyunjin's gaze travelled from Ryujin to Felix, now he clearly understood why the younger was so persistence about him leaving the apartment. Normally Felix never pushed him to leave his comfort zone, he'd rather cave in with the older, talking animatedly to distract him, and that worked just fine, and Hyunjin really found comfort in the sunshine chicken.

"Of course, I didn't have anything better to do," Ryujin chuckled lowly, pulling the hem of her sweater. She didn't want to be here at all, she felt too nervous and haven't worked up the nerve to talk to her ex art buddy after her little tipsy slip up, and now sitting opposite him as he stared at her wide eyed was too awkward than it should be.

And she felt totally bad about that, she was the one who messed up and then proceed to ignore him, when all he ever did was to be nice to her, considered her opinions on things and tried making her feel comfortable.

But she got too comfortable, and she hated it cause that's not what she intended, just get this two weeks over with and then separate like nothing ever happened. That was her original plan, that was the perfect plan. But it came crumbling to its roots when Hyunjin wasn't he obnoxious, rude hot guy that the school made him out to be.

She liked this Hyunjin better, she liked how he'd get shy over the littlest things, the sound of his little cute laugh and the way his eyes pushed into slits, she liked his voice and even the way he talks, even the little polite bow, a small formality that made a huge smile appear on her lips every time. She liked him.

"Did you hear what I said?"

Ryujin looked at Felix with wide eyed, too agape to reply to what he just said. No, she wasn't listening. She was too busy searching for a way to escape this cage of a cafe, a notification, just a small ding to use as an emergency to leave.


And there it was, but sadly not from her phone. It was Felix's. The Australian quickly excused himself, chatting away with whoever just called him.

But Hyunjin didn't buy that, he knew the younger's ringtone all too well to know he wasn't on a call, which would only mean one thing.

That traitor had left him alone with Ryujin.

How was he supposed to act now that he was all alone with her? Ignorant? Rude? Was he supposed to pretend she wasn't there? or start up a conversation with the younger?

He settled on the third option, pretend she wasn't here and wait for whenever Felix would return from his 'call'

"I like your sweater."

Well shit, his plan to ignore her didn't just get ruin like that. Hyunjin mentally slapped himself, he indeed liked her sweater, but why tell her? Was he really that desperate?

"Thanks!" Ryujin nodded curtly. "Nice um. . .nice," She scanned the taller for the first time since she got in, searching for anything to compliment him about. There were a whole lot, but her mind wasn't quite relax to pick one out.

"You don't have to be so awkward, Ryu."

Crap, why was he being nice? He was literally ignored for a whole month, cast aside like a rag doll.

"I'm sorry, I'm just. . .I'm sorry," Ryujin abruptly got up, feeling like she was about to have a mental breakdown. It was too overwhelming for her to take in, especially at this short notice. She wasn't ready, not yet. The choice to run away the moment she found out Hyunjin was also here was a better option.

If only it was Sana, her sister could handle social problems better than her, hell, she wouldn't had even been in this mess in the first place.

"Tell Felix something came up, I gotta go!"

Was he supposed to just let her go? Yes, that's what I'd do in this situation, but its not about me, the author who's craving a cup of coffee now, its about Hyunjin, he's a nice guy, who just needs answers to the question that had been bothering him.

So he caught her hand, halting her escape, giving the ravenette a weird look. "No, you're not leaving."

"Hyunjin," Ryujin's voice was barely audible, just a weak and shaky whisper that made it to escape her flabbergasted and panicked state.

"Why are you scared?" Hyunjin stood up, easily towering her and inducing her current state. She shook her head, trying to look convincing, but that failed. "Why you lying?"

Why you always lying?

"I'm sorry, I messed up, I shouldn't have, and I have no excuse and no right to, you were just bei-"

Ryujin choked on her words when she felt herself being pulled forward, now pressed against Hyunjin, his arm wrapped around her waist, preventing her from breaking away from him, and the other held her wrist limiting her movement.

She looked at the taller with shaky eyes, lips quivering downward and a fine crimson of blush tinting her entire face, neck and ears.

Her panic mode fueled when he lean closer and every inch between them destroyed, she could feel his uneven breaths on her, the thumping of his heart made her shiver.

He got closer and closer until she gave in, shutting her eyes when she felt his lips on hers, a new form of warmth burned throughout her body. Chilly with a hint of flaming sensation.

Her tensed shoulders relaxed but quickly returned when she felt his lips move against hers, sending sparks of imaginary electric wave to surge through her body.

Ryujin quickly pulled away, her pinky ghosting over her lips that still tingled, her curious eyes trained on Hyunjin, who was grinning maddeningly.

"There, now we're even."

---------• ° -😭- ° •------------

This is the part where I jump off mount everest.
Good day.

- jittery
- confused

Anyways hi, how are you?
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