[17] Who is he?

877 43 19

Jyp Int. School
Korean class

↪Third person pov↩

        Hyunjin's droopy eyes lingered on the doorway. The Korean teacher was late again– which was actually pretty great now.

The tired brunette laid his head on his crossed arms, hoping to catch the sleep Felix had made him lose, by forcing him to binge watch a couple of thrillers.

For a moment everything went silent, from the banging headache to the loud whispers of the students, who busied themselves with random conversations.

But soon enough soft taps and shakes intervened that tranquility, followed by the repetitive callings of a word that instantly and violently tugged Hyunjin away from lala land.

"Jinnie oppa."

Still trying to figure out what planet he was on, Hyunjin blinked a couple of times, his body subconsciously tilting the opposite direction. His hair had managed to tousle about, thus, poking out in various directions.

His ability to see clearly slowly but surely returned, catching sight of a black haired that sat next to him, her bangs shielding her eyes away from the view of her fellow humans, her full lips was stretched into a pretty smile, one that easily compliment her looks.

Hyunjin let out incoherent noises one could describe as groaning, completely furious about his little nap being interjected.

The girl noticed this and pointed her head at the teacher's direction that had threatened to throw a book at the sleeping Hwang. "I was instructed to. I'm so sorry I disrupted your beauty sleep, please find it in your heart to forgive me," she bowed multiple times, causing Hyunjin to snort almost inaudibly.

"Its okay, its fine," he shrugged it off, allowing his eyes to wandering around the room. He ignored the stare pinned on him by his seat mate, and also the whispers behind him.

His gaze landed on a mop of familiar black hair, which seemed to be bobbing in excitement as the owner happily chatted with some creature sitting next her.

Hyunjin winced, trying to catch the looks of the unfamiliar guy. Is he new? Do I know him? Turn so I can see your damn face!

–Okay, whatever. – Hyunjin huffed, relaxing his back on the backrest, his arms crossed, pouting as his brows knitted in frustration.

Ryujin sure seem happier with whoever that was.

★ . . . . . ★

    He was everywhere, the lunchroom, the hallway, every class they shared, talking, smiling and even laughing non stop, making it harder for Hyunjin to approach his partner and talk about art stuffs, yeah, definitely art stuffs.

His Hyungs picked up he was quieter than usual but the brunette denied that a instead diverted their attention to Minho who was about to rob Changbin's drink.

So he waited, with arms crossed, steady gaze and a roaming mind. The weather was quite okay for an autumn day, since it wasn't that deep into the season.

Slightly not bothered with the wind that kept whisking through his brown locks, Hyunjin eyed the gate, expecting a particular ravenette to walk out any second now.

And she did, causing him to smile out of reflex, but that was short lived when another bush of black hair was beside her, that annoyingly cute smile still present on his face.

Who is he anyways?

"Hi Hwang!" That call held so much enthusiasm that it sounded off, like it wasn't the same dull raspy voice that always seems to slur. But it has to be.

So Hyunjin turned to her, paying no mind to whatever was standing next to her, a smile that the ravenette shared on. "Hi Ryu, are you feeling better now?"

"You bet. And guess what? I tried painting cause I was bored as heck, yeah? But I only made it halfway, its okay though, that's big progress. Have you tried painting too?"

Hyunjin nodded to her rambling about her achievement, she looked ecstatic cause of that progress and was willing to share.

"No, but I will, I'm glad you're okay, I mi-" Hyunjin caught himself halfway, eyes widen in realization. "I mean, who is this?" He diverted their attention to the guy who was silently watching them interact.

"I'm glad someone finally acknowledged my existence."

Ryujin laughed at his quip, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulled the slightly taller closer to her. "This is my baby, Innie!" She spoke with glint in her eyes.

And that didn't sit right with the Hwang. Her baby?

"I'm older."

"Did you say something?"

The black haired male just scoffed as the younger laughed. He pushed that aside and extended his hand at Hyunjin. "Hi, I'm Jeongin!"

"Hyunjin," The brunette shook his hand, a little hesitant at first. Yup this name and face all seem familiar.

Jeongin beamed, looking at Ryujin. "Cool. Anyways, we gotta go,"

"No!" Hyunjin bellowed, grabbing the female's arm and tugging her away  from her baby. "She's coming with me."

"I am?"

"She is?"

Character #8

✏Yang Jeongin✏Protective little baby

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Yang Jeongin
Protective little baby

✏ Loves music
✏smiley fluffy cloud
✏Warning: he's evil too.

---------• ° -😣- ° •--------

- I don't know??
- worse

Anyways hi, how are you?
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