Extra #7

380 25 8

Youtiful, Seoul
Dlc lake

↪Third person pov↩

       “I don't just want to!”

Ryujin waved at Jeongin, making sure she was comfortable on the cold bench. The ravenette heaved out a sigh, watching as others slid on the frozen lake. Winter finally had Seoul in it's icy grasp. Freezing everything that it could. It was always chilly outside and going out without suitable winter clothes would be rather unique of you.

“Are you sure?” Jeongin asked, skating closer to the female. He took a seat next to her, smiling.


Jeongin's smile disappeared, now replaced with a frown. “Hey we came out here to skate, don't you dare bail on me.”

Ryujin had an apologetic look on, she fiddle with her mitten. “What if I fall?” the ravenette mused, her doe eyes staring at Jeongin who nodded in understanding. He knew the younger had slipped once while ice skating. She broke her arm and had to wear a cast for weeks. He sighed, averting his eyes from her, searching for anything that might be fun. Jeongin beamed when he saw Chan, he leaned close to Ryujin and whispered.

“I don't know,” Ryujin spoke up, her voice uncertain.

“It will be fun, I promise!” Jeongin assured, he stood up, pulling Ryujin along with him, allowing the frightened female to wrap her arms around his waist. The ravenette held on to him like her life depended on it as he skated closer to Chan, her eyes shut tight. “Hi Hyung!” he waved.

“Innie,” Chan was surprised to hear his voice, he turned to him and waved. “Hey Ryujin.” she couldn't wave back, but managed to smile at him.

“Channie wanna race? Loser gets to buy me and Ryujin a treat,” Jeongin proposed.

Confused, Chan looked around. “Anyone else racing with us?”

“No, just us.”

“But you said-” Chan paused, he now understood what Jeongin meant by that, he glared at the younger. “Sure, hope you have enough money cause I'm really hungry.”

Jeongin laughed, oh kid knew what he was doing. Chan wasn't the best skater around, even with Ryujin clinging into him, he would easily win that grand pa. “Jeongin are you sure about this?” Ryujin asked.


Long story short, Jeongin had Espresso and blue berry muffin, while Ryujin had cheesecake and cortado. The end.

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Charmer | Hyunjinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें