Extra #9

352 25 7

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

      “Soldiers, today we die, but with honour!”

Jisung wiped a fake tear, while Seungmin wiped the urge to kill both Jisung and Felix, but he shrugged it off, cause what they were about to do was indeed a suicide mission. Jisung had come up with a plan to use Hyunjin's phone to text Ryujin some not so holy words, but just like the clumsy squirrel he was, it accidentally sent it to Minho. Long story short, they had to delete the message before Minho comes out from the bathroom.

“Minho Hyung is totally going to kill us if he finds out,” Jisung panicked, shaking the hell out of Seungmin.

The younger fought out of his grip, scowling. He peeped to confirm that Minho was really out of his room, showing a thump up when the coast was clear. The trio tip toed into the older's room, searching for where he might had dropped his phone. They couldn't possibly call it, cause the ringtone will get to Minho, thus, inducing his curiosity.

“Maybe he took it with him. Minho never let go of that thing,” His roommate frowned, checking the nightstand again. Luckily, Felix found it under his pillow and picked it up, he turned it on, looking at Jisung if he new the password.

“Its Meanhoe, as in a mean hoe!”

Felix nodded, yelling when the door opened. “Why didn't you lock the door?” Seungmin panicked, looking at the perplexed Minho.

The older looked at all of them, ruffling his damp hair. “What's happening here?”

“Quick, press him down,” Jisung jumped on the taller and so did Seungmin, pinning his hands to the ground. Minho still very vagued out by their weird action.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He prodded, yelling when Jisung sat on his back. “Han, get off me!”

“Hurry up Felix!”

“Ouu, cute kitty wallpaper,” the blonde froze, gushing at Minho's lock screen.

“Yongbok, do you want us to die?”

Felix regained his focus, deleting the numerous ungodly messages from Hyunjin. “Okay, what do we do now? How do we get out?”

The three looked at themselves confused, they were further away from the door, Felix quickly threw the phone yelling “RUN!” Jisung and Seungmin got up, dashing to the door.

Unfortunately, my good people *Insert sad emoji* only two made it out.

And that my friends is the story of how Jisung became Minho's servant, the end.

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I have no idea what this chapter is 😔

Anyways hi, how are you?
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