[07] She flirts

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Jyp Int. School
Main gate

↪Third person pov↩

      He blinked out of his daze and called. "Ryujin!"

Perplexed, the addressed turned to him, pointing at herself. "Me?"

"Is there anyone else?"

"Don't use my words against me," Ryujin crossed her arms and frowned. She irked a brow, waiting for him to continue. "You want to say something?" She question his hesitance.

"W...well, uh-" Hyunjin mentally scolded himself for stuttering like that, he began to fiddle with his fingers. "I want us to get back together."

Ryujin gave him a weird look, before snorting. Laughing yet again at his choice of words.

"Oh lord, not again!" Hyunjin waved his hands frantically, trying to erase the awkwardness that clouded them. "I mean, let's, how do I put this?"

Ryujin hummed thoughtfully, she rubbed her chin, smiling. "You want us to be a team again? Am I right?"

Hyunjin nodded, a sheepish grin on his lips. "Yeah that. You up for it?"

"Sure," Ryujin shrugged.

"Sweet, we should exchange contacts, right?"

"That's a sly way to ask for my number," The ravenette snickered. She took her phone out of her bag and pointed it at Hyunjin's flushed face. "I'm joking."

"Oh," Hyunjin took a breath of relieve, seizing the phone away from her. "I knew that," He keyed in his number and waited for her to do the same.

"Pfft," Ryujin scoffed, handing his phone back to him after inserting her number. She took one last look at his crimson face and gave a lopsided grin. "I don't know if you've heard this before, but, its cute when you're shy."

"Anyways, bye Hwang!" The ravenette waved, before walking away.

Its kinda impossible how more heat rushed to Hyunjin's face, his poor heart was working overtime, and he could feel his ears burn.

He blamed this rare and weird occurrence on the fact that he had to ask a girl to work with him, rather than the other way around.

Yeah, let's go with that.

★ . . . . . ★

      "She flirted with me,"

Felix choked on his drink when he heard Hyunjin's words. The blonde coughed several times, hitting his chest to maybe calm himself down.

Hyunjin just silently watch him struggle and then paid attention to his phone.

The younger had ask him for details but didn't quite hear what he expected. "Ryujin what?" In disbelieve, Felix inquired, hoping that he heard wrong.

"She said its cute when I'm shy," Hyunjin retorted, still hooked in his device. Luckily, Felix was too busy being stuck in amazement to notice the blush that now sat on Hyunjin's cheeks.

The brown haired had worked hard to cover up his shy side, coating himself with confidence. But one little slip up after a long time had manage to lock him up in a cave of thoughts.

Does this mean my walls are finally down? Was it a one time thing? Why am I getting all worked up around her?–

"Dude, do you know what this mean?" Felix spoke, destroying his chain of thoughts. Hyunjin blinked, humming as he looked at the Australian.

"She likes me?"

"No, its not always about you," Felix shook his head. "It means she's isn't mad that you dumped her like that."

"Quit making it sound like we're dating, man!" Hyunjin scrawled hiding his eyes with his beanie. "Fuck this."

He was so done with the way his friends dribbled with words about this situation, they somehow made his heart flutter. Say its too soon, but the poor thing was still in shock.

Shocked that things are going pretty normal. Minus today's event and how anxious he'd get around Ryujin.

Yeah, pretty normal.

"Did you apologize?" Felix asked, after picking up the dog that ran up to him. He stroked his soft fur and then patted his head, looking at Hyunjin for a reply.

"Should I have?" This peaked Hyunjin's interest. What's there to apologize about?

"You should've been like 'sorry I quitted on you' yeah, that kinda stuff," Felix administered the knowledge to Hyunjin who simply kicked it away.

"Sorry? Why?"

"Ugh, this Dumbass."

---------• ° -💜- ° •---------

- get it together
- insane choice of words

Anyways hi, how are you?
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