Extra #10

384 27 11

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

      “I think its a little too big, I guess.”

Hyunjin stop pacing back and forth, waving his hands, the sweater paw swinging along with it. “You think? You guess? Bro, this is literally huge as fuck, I'm pretty sure another person could fit right it and I'm not even playing,” He started pacing again, the overly over size (help) hoodie swaying with his every moment.

“Well someone is a little dramatic,” Ryujin scoffed, rolling her eyes, and if you listening closely, you'd hear Kkami bark in agreement. The black haired was complaining nonstop about his new hoodie being a little too big, like c'mon bro, didn't you check the size? Pfft, men these days, their behaviour is so ugh!

“Preach!” Ryujin and kkami huffed, agreeing to the author's statement.

“Ryu, I'm not even being dramatic right now,” Hyunjin pouted, breaking out of his pregnant pose. “That's faze three, when I'll literally run to Felix's room and strangle the blonde.”

“What? Dude, Felix is out with Jisung and Seungmin.”

“I'll strangle the turkey in the freezer then.”

Ryujin face palmed. His wailing has no end, but at least its not as bad as that time kkami ignored him and stayed around her instead. Hyunjin was literally a crying mess, bawling how kkami hates him now and that he'd move to the sahara where he could be one with the rattle snakes. Was Ryujin and kkami disappointed? Yes very!

She just became besties with kkami and that's how he celebrates? In short, Hyunjin is a jealous drama llama (this author deserves jail)

“Hyunnie, I think you look cute with this hoodie on,” Ryujin smiled, ruffling his hair, causing him to pout. Jesus Christ, this dude- “C'mon, I'm trying to make you feel better!”

“Then agree that it's huge!”

“Do I have to?”

“You do!”

Ryujin huffed, twiddling the hem of the hoodie, she easily slipped right in the cloth, standing way too close to Hyunjin. “Oh my God, its so huge you could fit a whole family inside here,” She rolled her eyes, gasping when the black haired, wrapped his arms around her. “What are you crazy?”

The taller smirked, leaning closer to her, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. “Tricked ya!”

And that's when Ryujin realize it was all a trap to lure her in. Her cheeks dusted pink and her heart racing faster. “HWANG HYUNJIN!”

Kkami who just had front row seat to this ridiculous show, sighed in Chan's baldness. “Ah, Young Love.”

★ • ° * . . . THE END² . . .* ° • ★

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Welcome to the end of whatever this is.

Hurrah, we made it again.
In all honesty I'm gonna miss writing this book.

Anyways hi, how are you?
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Thank you all so much for reading.

Please check out my other books, it'd really means a whole lot *Laughs in shamelessly*

It was nice(virtually) meeting you


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