Extra #6

427 26 11

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

"Fuck you and your sorcery. "

Ryujin sneered, looking at her sister- who was happily strutting through the isle, picking out the things she needed. The ravenette didn't want to join her in doing grocery shopping, but Sana did manage to talk her into it. She trailed behind the older, still muttering under her breath.

"Oh my God, Ryu look!" Sana paused, urging her sister to come look at whatever she just spotted.

Grudgingly, the ravenette walked to the end of the stall, poking her head out. She yelled loudly, quickly moving back to the meat section, folding into a ball, her hand hiding her face.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" Sana still stood there, musing at the familiar lanky figure trying to decide which noodles to take.

"Sana hide, and no, he's not my boyfriend," Ryujin held her sister's arm, tugging her back into the isle to take cover.

"I'm going to call him over!"


"Ryujin's boyfriend, hey over here."

Confused, Hyunjin looked around, spotting where the voice emitted from, a smile immediately tugging on his lips. He remembers that face. "Hey Sana," the taller waved, walking over to the blonde.

Ryujin muttered some profanities at her sister, she wanted to run away but was tugged back. The ravenette wasn't ready to bump into Hyunjin here, unlike her sister who was properly dressed, she wore a pair of sweatpants, Hyunjin's purple sweater (Kkami scoffs in the background), she didn't have time to brush her bird nest and wore a pair of bunny flip-flops. Girl was literally dragged out of the house.

"Hey Hwang!" She murmured, refusing to look at him.

Hyunjin sniggered and so did Sana, making Ryujin to blush a fine shade of pink.

"Hyung, why did you leave? I thou- Hey Ryu, Hey fellow blonde!" Felix got interjected by the unexpected pair. He beamed brightly when he saw how Ryujin was dress. Boy was literally dressed the same but his hair was somehow messier. "Hey twin!" He high fived the ravenette.

(Hyunjin bombastic side eye in the background.)

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I updated this in a rush
Hope it made sense?

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