[25] Felix's fun day

692 39 6

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

       Hyunjin felt the introduction of a new weight on his bed, whining when he felt the mattress sink. It wasn't very much, but it was enough for him to know it wasn't kkami.

It had to be only one person.

"Felix, get the fuck out of my bed!" The brown haired muttered, trying to push the blonde away from him.

But that didn't work, instead, Felix started chiming. "Hyung get up-" he yelled, pulling the duvet off Hyunjin.

The older paid no mind to him, he just clenched the pillow on his head tighter.

"I've got a fun day planned. Please Jinnie?" Felix tried cajoling the older into getting out of bed.

"Its autumn, too cold to go out!"

"Hey, just leave the apartment!'

"I don't want to!"

Felix huffed, he glanced at the taller, pondering what to do next. And that's when he took hold of his leg, tugging him out of bed.

Hyunjin yelled when he felt the sudden pull, but Felix didn't stop until the brunette was practically on the floor, trying to hold onto his bed, yelling curses at the blonde to let go.

"Yongbok, I swear-"  by now all traces of sleep had faded away, now replaced with annoyance.

Eventually, the blonde stopped, but still held onto the older's leg, an innocent smile on his face. "Please?"

Hyunjin gave him a bored look, his tousled hair scattered carelessly on the ground, just a few strands sticking to his forehead. "No!"


★ . . . . . . ★

    Hyunjin listened as Felix rambled on about the new nice guy he met on Friday. He doubted it was the same Seungmin he sat next to in class, judging by how lifeless and focused he was.

He had his hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets, seeking a little warmth from the harsh cold, a scarf shielded his neck was from the freezing temperature, but his cheeks and nose were still rosy.

Subconsciously, Hyunjin smiled when the cafe came in sight, already pleased with the warmth it would bring. It wasn't necessary far from the apartment but not that close either.

The welcoming sound of the bell chimed when Felix pushed the door open, smiling fondly at how the place looked.

"Your fun day is going to the cafe?"

Felix pouted at his Hyung's word. He only wanted him to leave the apartment for a bit. Obviously he leaves for school but that's totally different.

"Lix, I'm sorry," Hyunjin looked at the pouting Felix and felt like shit. He bit his lip, thinking of a way to lift the mood up. "Let's sit?"

"I mean if you prefer standing."

The brown haired rolled his eyes, walking towards the closest booth, he took a sit, fiddling with his black beanie. "Order?"

"God, you're so awkward!" Felix  chuckled, sitting opposite the taller, he had a bright beam, that pushed his eyes into slits, but it faltered when his phone dinged.

Hyunjin simply watched as he typed away to whoever just texted him, grinning ear to ear like a cheshire. When that was done, his eyes scanned the cafe, perplexing the older even more.



"Are you texting Jisung?" Hyunjin made himself clear, waiting for the not so curt reply of Felix.

But that didn't came, instead the blonde just shrugged. "Its nothing."

doesn't seem like nothing– Hyunjin thought, allowing the younger's action to slide this time.

And that's when the bell chimed again, welcoming a new customer. Eyeing every booth in search for the black beanie Felix had claimed he was wearing.

She heaved out a sigh when she spotted a small fraction of the said headwear bobbing as the owner talked.

She walked over to booth number five, fiddling with her sweater paw, the furious claw of anxiousness gnawing at the pit of her stomach.

Why? Cause Felix had requested to talk to her and she knew exactly why. She had some explaining to do.

The ravenette had planned out over a dozen excuses for her action, but now that she was a couple steps away from the booth, all those planned and carefully thought out scenarios had vanished to thin air; like poof.

When she was close enough to the black beanie, she forced a smile, taking up her hand to wave at Felix.

"Hey Lixie-"

Indeed 'Lixie' was seated there, but he was not alone and definitely not wearing a black beanie.

"Hey Ryu!"

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Holy moly, I haven't updated in a while- Forgive me.

- traitor
- even

Anyways hi, how are you?
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