childhood lovers

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  August 28th 2008, Diagon Alley.

It's strange how time works. One day, you're buying your first quill set at Amanuensis Quills for your first year at a magical school, and, the next, you're buying a brand-new telescope because the one you first bought for school broke, and you need a new one for your job.

The busy streets of Diagon Alley was always a place Y/N adored. She always felt a sense of belonging there, even the first time she ever walked those stony, rickety streets with her Muggle parents. As if the Wizarding World was her true home.

Bittersweet, Y/N looked around the shops. Kids ran around with bags full of school supplies, all getting ready for the new school year that was approaching all too soon, their parents walking behind. They all had that same proud smile on their faces, mixed with nostalgia. Seeing your child finally reach such an important moment in their life was surely something beautiful. Mix that with all the memories they have of their own time at school. Oh, what Y/N would do to relive those seven beautiful years at Hogwarts. Her home.

It took no time for her to spot Twinkle's telescopes, and even less to exit the deep blue coloured shop with a huge modern telescope in hand. Y/N was satisfied with her choice; though pricey, this telescope was far more powerful than the one she had since she was twelve. This one wasn't just for stargazing and to merely study the universe, no, she would be able to study stars and planets with much more detail than before. This would come in handy for the article she planned on writing about nebulae.

Making her way through the crowd with her telescope in hand was not an easy task, however. The matte black box was so huge it blocked almost all her sight, and Y/N had to take a break every now and then to catch her breath. She hadn't expected it to be that heavy. And forget the levitation charm: 1) she was scared of accidentally hitting someone with it and 2) was absolutely terrified of the idea of it falling down and breaking. So carrying it, it was.

Y/N was almost back at the Leaky Cauldron when the box bumped into something and a yelp was heard. She hit someone, didn't she?

Y/N carefully dropped the box while muttering a few sorry's, and, once the box secured on the ground, Y/N looked up and— Merlin's beard!

"Y/N?" Her voice had gone a tad lower over the years. Her hair, once cascading in bouncy curls, was now just wavy. And her eyes, oh, her chocolate eyes. They were the only thing that hadn't changed in the past ten years. Hermione Granger, her former girlfriend, was standing there, staring at her, looking as beautiful as the last time Y/N ever saw her ten years ago.

"Hermione," Y/N smiled, breathless. No, she didn't look as beautiful as she was ages ago. She was even more beautiful now.

It's none other than Ron Weasley, subtly clearing his throat, that brought Y/N back to the present day.

"It's been so long," Hermione smiled, looking down. She met Y/N's eyes again with the same spark.

"Ten years," Y/N nodded, laughing. Wow, ten years had gone by just like that. Y/N had almost forgotten about Hermione. Almost. Because how could she truly forget a girl like her?

Even if they only dated for about a year, in sixth year, Y/N and Hermione had a "one of a kind" bond. It had connected so well. And it was one of Y/N's happiest years. A love that Y/N thought was long gone had suddenly reappeared in her life, and Y/N then realized, as Hermione looked at her, that maybe her love for Hermione hadn't completely faded away.

Hermione blushed, glancing at Ron, "Oh, I'm so impolite!" she exclaimed. "You remember Ron, of course?"

"How could I not," Y/N smiled politely, shaking Ron's hand that he had extended. He, then, protectively put a hand on Hermione's waist that didn't go unnoticed by Y/N, and Hermione too.

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