drunk words, sober thoughts pt 2

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i suggest you to reread pt one ;)

Y/N's POV:

Merlin, let's remind myself the next time there's a party, not to drink so much. I can't remember a single thing about what happened last night, but the throbbing headache drilling through my skull tells me I maybe messed up bad. That hungover's killing me!

A groan escaped my lips as I sat up in my bed, the ringing of my alarm clock thundering in my ears and worsening my headache. The clock read 8:30. Shit. Only thirty minutes before the start of classes.

Panicked, my eyes automatically went to Hermione's bed, so I could tell her we were in serious trouble for being this late, but it's an empty bed that I found a few meters away from mine. I frowned.

Hermione always waits for me to wake up before going downstairs to get breakfast. She'd even be the type to wake me up if I wasn't awake by eight o'clock.

I blinked a few times, making sure I wasn't still half asleep and that maybe I just didn't see her curled up in her bed like she usually was, but no. Her bed was neatly made, her wand nowhere to be found on her bedside table.

She didn't wake me up. She didn't wait for me.

I groggily got out of bed, with a hand massaging my forehead and temples. Dizziness took over rapidly, but I shook away the pain and threw on a dirty pair of trousers that was stacked up in my clothes pile, and my white button up. Not wasting time with properly tying my tie, I grabbed my grey vest, and headed out of our dorm to go downstairs.

Maybe she'd be waiting for me in the common room. Perhaps she didn't want to wake me up because I stayed up late and drank a bit too much. Yeah, she usually did that, because she knows how early she wakes up, and how I need my sleeping time when I get a bit too drunk.

My hope deflated, however, as I was met with an empty common room. The fire had been extinguished hours ago, the remnants of wood ashes still sitting at the bottom of the hearth. Empty red plastic cups laid everywhere, the curtains were drenched in remainings of sour alcohol, and the common room was an overall mess. Well, she just didn't wait for me, it seemed. I'd better find her in the Great Hall, then, so she can explain to me why she didn't.

The descent towards the Great Hall was not an easy trip, as the moving staircase gave me nausea and tripled my dizziness. I'd better get some food and water in my system, so I can hopefully get through the day just fine. Though, without Hermione near, could the day really be fine?

The grand oak doors appeared like a beacon of light in a starless night at sea, and they magically opened as I approached them. The majority of the school was already there, finishing their breakfast before heading to class. Oh, I'm very late. Why didn't Hermione wake me up like she usually does?!

I scanned the Gryffindor table with all my remaining focus, but found nothing. Harry and Ron were there, however, empty plates and cups scattered in front of them. Three plates and cups. Hermione was there minutes ago!

"Hey!" I waved a hand towards the raven haired boy. Harry waved back and I sat next to him.

"Boozy night, eh?" Ron chuckled from across the table. He pointed a hand at his lip and added, "Hermione's got your lip all fixed, I see. Though, it's still a bit swollen."

"My lip—" I ran a finger over my bottom lip, and I winced. I didn't even look at myself in the mirror before going out to eat breakfast, and I didn't even realize my lip had been split.

"Yeah," Harry chimed in, pushing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. "You jumped on a table last night to do a speech, and then you tripped down. Don't you remember?"

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now