drunk words, sober thoughts

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a/n: mentions of alcohol since it's a bunch of teens partying ;)

Hermione's POV:

I hate parties. I've always loathed them. The loud banging music that squeezed your heart every beat, people screaming on top of it because they can't hear a single thing they say to each other, the sour smell of alcohol mixed with sweat and sometimes puke, parties are disgusting. And I wish I were reading a book right now.

Gryffindor won the first Quidditch match of the year this evening — against Slytherin — and so the whole house is celebrating for their victory. My best friend Harry, who had caught the snitch that granted Gryffindor the win, was scooped up from the ground by Fred and George, the twins chanting his name in unison as everyone joined in.

People were already pissed drunk, some of them already making out with people they don't know, others tripping down every two seconds. One of them included Y/N.

" 'Ello Mioneeee!" Y/N slurred in my ear way too loudly, coming from behind me. Her sudden appearance startled me, and she laughed as a response.

"Hey," I answered flatly, because of course she'd get drunk again.

Y/N was my best friend since first year. We got along amazingly, as if we had known each other our whole lives. Talking with Y/N was easy. Being in the same house and in the same dorm only strengthened our relationship, and now, six years later, we are still the best of friends. But I wish we were more.

The thing is, it's always so confusing with Y/N. One day, she's really intimate with me, purposely touching me, flirting with me and overall giving me signs that perhaps she'd want to be more than friends. Other days, she's shouting from the rooftops that we are best friends and that nothing will ever change that. If only she could just finally decide and tell me what's going on between us so that I could move on, or make a move. For Merlin's sake, I like the girl! But she's so complicated!

"Wha's goin' on, loveee?" Y/N squeezed between two students to finally face me. She was all sweaty and red, but she still managed to look so beautiful.

"Don't call me love," I asserted, trying my hardest not to fall down from the look she was giving me.

" 'Right, love," and with that she smiled drunkenly and giggled. "Hey! Wannaaa dance?"

Tossing the bottle of firewhiskey she had chugged seconds ago, Y/N extended a hand for me to grab. I immediately declined, which earned me a discontent whine from the girl.

"Come onnnn! You're nooo fun." Drunk Y/N means grumpy Y/N, so there she was, folding her arms sloppily, a mean pout on her face. Argh! Why was she so cute?!

"You're drunk," I stated, to which Y/N giggled again, guiltily.

"What? Nahhh! I jus' drank a few drink 's all!" With that, she almost tripped to the ground as another drunk student accidentally pushed her.

"In only one hour," I sighed, reprimanding. She smiled again, realizing she got caught.

"Ah! You unmasked meh!"

"Whatever," I shrugged. She wasn't going to be my problem tonight. I was always the one to rescue her when she drank too much, checking that she didn't have too many drinks, but tonight I won't. Let her be.

Seeing I wasn't going to talk to her anytime soon, she shrugged, grabbed another firewhiskey, and strode off. Good. Be mad at me. Be the grumpy self that you are. I don't care. Be as confused of my actions as I am about yours.

"Hey," Ron tapped me on the shoulder lightly, and I realized he was the only few people who were sober.

"Hey," I sighed, silently slapping myself for showing my sadness. He caught on quite quickly, unfortunately for me.

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