stressed mione

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Prompt: Hermione is stressed out for the O.W.L.S. coming up, and Y/N comforts her.

Third person POV:

Merlin's above was Y/N tired— no, tired was an understatement. They were exhausted. Even on this warm end of May evening, Y/N, who usually took any opportunity to go outside, only wanted two things: their bed, and Hermione.

Professors had been bombarding them with essays and work for the past few weeks in order to prepare students for their upcoming O.W.L.S., which were coming up next week. Last year, every single one of the teacher had been talking about them. How it was crucial to pass. Y/N, who was more thrilled to see his best friend Harry compete in the tournament, hadn't really register how important they were. And when professors talked about them again at the beginning of the school year, Y/N told themselves they had time.

What a naive thing to say.

Y/N's feet dragged on the stone floors as they reached the Gryffindor common room entrance. By the window, Y/N could see the sun slowly setting, which, for the hour, was only reminding them that summer was close. A month ago, just after dinner, the time Y/N usually retreated to their dorm, it was already dark outside and the moon high in the sky. Now, the sky was coated with cotton candy coloured clouds, and the Black Lake shimmered at the contact of the low sun rays.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia," Y/N said in a whisper, restraining the yawn that wanted to come out.

Oh they could really use a cuddle session with Hermione tonight.

"Godric," the Fat Lady exclaimed, "you poor fifth years!"

With a look of sympathy she opened the door, and Y/N muttered a quiet thank you, before engulfing themselves into the common room.

Y/N expected the silence the common room was plunged in when they entered. Actually, everyone knew this. First to fourth years had been shushed a few times in the beginning of May, when studying became more than necessary, and now, they were all into their dorms by 7. Like a rule to respect: do not disturb a fifth year during their exams period.

Dean and Seamus were studying at a table, silently reciting what seemed to be the definition of a Substantive Charm. Neville, on the other hand, practiced a defensive spell against Ginny, who pretended to be his offender. Harry and Ron were whispering-arguing over what plant was more efficient to heal minor wounds. In short, a usual night of O.W.L.S studying.

Sitting tensely on the couch, dozens of books around her was Hermione, Y/N's lovely girlfriend. Y/N could already imagine nuzzling their head in the crook of her neck, while she'd recite every spell known to wizards. Hermione herself was a great source of studying, not to mention Y/N loved hearing their girlfriend talk. It was a win-win.

"Hello my love," Y/N greeted with a yawn that this time they let free. "Is this charms that you're studying? How about you tell me everything about—"

"Can't you see I'm busy!"

Hermione's sharp and cold voice startled Y/N. Startled everyone. The common room, which was already quiet enough, was even quieter. Y/N frowned, slightly hurt, and Hermione's stern face softened, aware of how she replied to her girlfriend.

Without a word, Y/N nodded, turning on their heels to head to their dorm, ignoring Hermione's pleads to come back.

Upon arriving at their dorm, Y/N lazily threw their satchel on their bed, doing the same with themselves, and they started studying. Or trying.

Y/N knew Hermione was probably stressed out with the exams coming up, they knew how important academic validation was for their girlfriend. Still, Y/N couldn't help but let the tears slowly fall from their eyes at how harsh Hermione had been.

"Stop this," they told themselves, wiping away the tears from off their face. It was stupid, really, to cry for such a little thing.

A faint knock was heard on the door, shy and quiet. Y/N wiped away the remaining tears and, voice strained from the crying, mumbled,

"Come in."

The door opened a few inches, and Hermione's face appeared. She looked sad, and guilty, and now that she saw Y/N's puffed and red eyes, her frown deepened.

"I was studying," Y/N smiled weakly, gesturing at the closed book sitting on their bed.

Hermione opened the door completely, without a word. The silence was unbearable. She sat at the end of Y/N's bed, as if scared to come any closer.

"I'm sorry for talking to you that way," Hermione started, looking down at her lap. "I've been really stressed with the O.W.L.S. coming up, and I know it's not an excuse in any way to treat you that way. I'm really sorry."

Though Y/N already knew it, to hear it from Hermione was a relief. They smiled, and reached for Hermione's face, lifting up her chin so they could meet eyes.

"It's okay," they said. Y/N cupped Hermione's cheek, the girl immediately melting at the touch.

With just a look and no words shared, Y/N invited their girlfriend on their lap, the girl understanding right away. Once they were comfortable, Y/N kissed Hermione's temple, and she nuzzled her head further into Y/N's neck.

"You'll do amazing, my love," Y/N looked down at Hermione, meeting their lover's eyes. They could see the tears that brimmed them, and they squeezed her tightly.

"What if I fail," Hermione croaked, the warmth and comfort of their partner inviting her to let the tears flow. "I've studied so hard, Y/N. So hard. What if I'm doing this for nothing?"

She sat on Y/N, facing them with sad eyes. So Y/N cupped her cheek and placed a loving kiss on her lips, trying to make Hermione relax. Y/N knew she didn't need answers for her questions, just comfort and good affirmations.

"Hermione Jean Granger," Y/N said, their foreheads touching, "I think you underestimate your talent. You stupefied Ron the other day!.. You can do anything. Don't worry about it. Just— just do what you know you can. Give everything. But don't ever doubt yourself alright?"

Hermione pulled away, with happy tears this time.

"Who do I have to thank for making me your girlfriend," Hermione said in between kisses.

"Yourself," Y/N mumbled in return. Hermione laughed, warming Y/N's heart.


Hermione pulled Y/N for a last kiss before she settled back down and cuddled them.

"Thank you," Hermione closed their eyes, relishing the warmth of Y/N. They were a really good pillow.

"No problem."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

a/n: i know this one is a short one but it's better than nothing, no? please give me prompts or ideas for future one-shots, it would be really helpful. i'll gladly give shoutout if i use your idea :)

thank you for reading, hpstories31

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now