may we meet again

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Hogwarts, circa June 1997.

It was a breezy evening. The Black Lake was relatively calm for this hour, only a few ripples of water barely being heard in the distance. The astronomy tower was the best place in Hogwarts to watch sunsets, though it was rarely quiet: such a view attracted quite a few students each night. But tonight, thanks to exam season, no one was there.

Hermione finished the preparations for her date with Y/N. She placed down one of the three blankets she transfigurated on the marble, tossing the other two ones to the side. Baskets of fresh fruits from Hogsmeade waited patiently next to Y/N's favourite candies from Honeydukes, Fizzing Whizzbees and chocolate frogs. She checked her watch for the millionth time in just a few minutes. Y/N was coming soon.

Coincidentally, sounds of wood cracking were heard as Y/N went up the spiral staircase. Hermione dusted off her soft pink dress, making sure there were no wrinkles in it as she usually did, and waited anxiously for her girlfriend to finally arrive.

Even after a year and a half with Y/N, Hermione still felt anxious around her girlfriend. The good kind of anxious. The kind of anxious you get when you are around a crush that's way out of your league, yet you still can't help but fall for them. It was like that with Y/N. Hermione felt she was in her honeymoon phase everyday, the same butterflies blooming in her stomach anytime she caught a glimpse of her Y/N.

There Y/N was, looking as beautiful as the first time Hermione met her. The sun shone on her (your hair colour) hair, and her eyes reflected the orange and pink hues of the sunset ahead. Her outfit was simple, what Hermione requested, but she was still extremely pretty. Hermione couldn't help but blush.

"Merlin, my love," Y/N exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement and joy, "you didn't have to do all of this!" Her eyes darted here and there, taking everything in, from the blankets, to the bottles of champagne (no alcohol), to the fruits and chocolate frogs.

"I just thought my lovely girlfriend was deserving of the best date possible," Hermione replied shyly. She ducked her head down as Y/N approached.

"It's perfect," Y/N finally reached her, grabbing both of her hands delicately. "Almost as perfect as you."

Hermione laughed heartily, causing Y/N to smile.

"You're so corny!"

"You adore that."

"Maybe I do."

Y/N smiled again, tucking a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear. Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss that Hermione reciprocated eagerly. One last kiss on the cheek, both sat down.

"I thought you said you wanted to do a study date, tonight," Y/N questioned as Hermione cuddled her. She put a blanket over them, and stared at the horizon.

"Yeah," Hermione nodded, "but I think we need to let go a bit from the exams."

"Who are you and what have you done to my Hermione Granger?" Y/N poked the girl teasingly.

Hermione giggled, her dimples showing. "Oh, you know what I mean! We've barely seen each other this month because I'm so focused on school."

"It's true," Y/N agreed, "Kind of missed you, if I'm completely honest." Hermione smiled fondly at the words, not waiting a second to press her lips on Y/N's.

Kissing Y/N is Hermione's favourite thing to do, that's what she learned one and a half year ago. The softness of her lips, coupled to the skills she has, Y/N managed to dethrone the girl's favourite activity, reading. Oh, don't get her wrong, Hermione still loves plunging herself into books, but let's say if Y/N was to enter the room, the book gets thrown Merlin knows where. Hermione's glad not to be reading right now.

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