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Y/N's POV:

Potions, my least favorite subject. Not because I sucked at it, I was actually the best in my house, nor because of Snape and his comments (it's not him anymore anyway), just because we were paired with the Gryffindors. And being paired with the Gryffindors meant I had to see her.

That morning I had two consecutive hours of potions, double the trouble. I'd need to hear that bloody Granger answer all the questions as if she were this little miss perfect. Didn't she see that everyone was annoyed by her?

Luna sat beside me at the Ravenclaw table, plunged into the quibbler in front of her face as she read the newest scoop that her father had found.

I really liked Luna. She was one of the only person I could vent to without being judged, without her getting tired of it. I would do the same too, though, she rarely got sad. Only when she couldn't find a single Nargle in a day. Luna was that first day of spring, when flowers started to bloom and the sun was finally shining, and all the snow was gone. And the fact that Hermione picked on her made my hatred towards her even bigger.

"You seem out of place," Luna said, her eyes still glued on the newspaper, "Is everything alright?"

Luna was innocent, but not in the way you'd think. She was the kind to view positive in everything, even in people who mistreated her. So when I complained about Hermione to her that morning, she only giggled softly.

"You are quite the show, Y/N," she said as she placed down the quibbler on the table. "I know you two are always trying to get better grades since first year, but don't you think you're exaggerating a bit? Hermione is not that bad."

"I hate her guts," I said, scooping some cereals with my spoon. "And it's not just about school, Lu, it's about everything. She's got this whole speech of treat others kindly while she calls you names, and her I'm the perfect student attitude is getting on my nerves!"

"You seem to observe her often," Luna stated gently, no mean undertone in her voice.

"What? No!" How could Luna think such things? It's not like I spent my days looking for Hermione, she was the one always in my face!

"Well, you'd need to pay at least a bit of attention on her to know such things. I pay attention to you, and I know that you are clumsy and really funny, but I could not tell you a single thing about Ron, for example," her voice was light and kind as she explained it to me.

Okay right, I did glance at Hermione sometimes in class, but it was only because she annoyed me! And, yes, she was clever and really pretty, but it was all out of pure disgust that I looked at her.

"You've spilled some milk on yourself," Luna stated as she pointed down my blue and bronze tie.

I cursed loudly, trying to wipe the sugared milk off of my tie. This day was already going to be horrible, and now I had a big stain on me, clearly visible. I had no luck it seemed.

"This is going to be fine, Y/N," Luna sighed. She patted my shoulder as the bell rang.

Ugh. Potions class.


Hermione's POV:

"Can someone tell me the name of this potion," Professor Slughorn lifted the cauldron's lid, a smell of bubblegum filling my nose.

Easy. Babbling beverage.

I raised my hand confidently, ready to answer his question knowing I had the right answer. Professor Slughorn usually picked me and I gained satisfaction in giving answers. And he gave us points when we did, so it was beneficial for my house.

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