amortentia pt 3

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I suggest you to read pt 1 and 2 to refresh your mind on what happened :)

warnings: curse words used

Y/N's POV:

"Quit the avoiding, Y/L/N," Hermione cornered me in the hallways just as I was heading for potions class with the Hufflepuffs.

Though I was taller than her, she made me feel so small, looking up at me with daggers in her eyes. As petite and reserved that girl looked, she seemed to be gaining confidence when speaking to me. Or maybe I just so happened to be her enemy.

Yeah, just enemy, Y/N, nothing more.

"You see, I'm running a bit late right now—"

"Does it look like I give an ounce of care," she advanced a bit, making me back off on the wall.

If ever she made one more step further, our bodies would definitely touch, and I wasn't prepared
for that. I was never prepared for that. I could even hear her breathe, her chest heaving up and down just in front of my eyes. Fuck, look away, Y/N, that's disrespectful. Our breaths mingled together, that's how close we were right now. And the way she was staring at me, not moving at all, as if she wanted to this be close, I was about to break. Literally break.

Oh merlin this girl.

"I want you to face me Y/N, to stop avoiding the situation like the plague," Hermione said softer this time, but she remained so close to me.

I could smell her vanilla scented perfume, that perfume I smelled a month ago.

"I want you to stop avoiding me," she whispered, soft and pleading. Her lip quivered as if she was holding everything in, sadness it seemed.

She was pleading me to stop avoiding her? Me, out of all people? I felt my knees slightly buckle, and I prayed to heavens above that she didn't see it. They were this close to give up. I couldn't let it happen.

See, since that day at the three broomsticks, I've made myself smaller than ever. Nothing happened after I told everyone I smelled Hermione — except being teased by almost everyone — and I pretended like nothing happened either... Which technically was the case.

The thing is, Hermione has been chasing me around since then, either coming up to my desk, or leaving notes to Lu so she could deliver them to me. She even asked Harry to invite me in the common room to hangout, only to find out he ditched on me and it was Hermione who was waiting for me. I turned on my heels pretty quickly, let's just say.

Look, I didn't even answer to questions anymore, because that would mean a small interaction with her, as meaningless as an eye contact, which, since that day, wasn't meaningless anymore. I felt like the whole world was shifting for a split second anytime we locked eyes, and I just couldn't do it. My ego was already hurt enough by the single fact I had feelings for her— have had since many years now I realise— I didn't need the embarrassment of blushing like a fool when we would look each other's way.

Even teachers started to notice my lack of participation; the Severus Snape kept me after class to ask if I was okay. What wouldn't have I done to keep Hermione away, as much as I wanted her close?

Who would've thought I'd fall head over heels for my worst enemy? My younger self would be laughing so hard right now. Here I was, flushed to the wall as students walked past us with bewildered looks on their faces. Two students this close to each other definitely attracted attention like a magnet. Gulping, I tried to gain time,

"You wouldn't want to be late to class now, Granger, wouldn't you?" Brilliant, Y/N. She hated being late and disappointing a teacher. Just a little push and she'll be gone. "Let's talk about this later today—"

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat