let me go (i love you so-the walters)

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Gryffindor reader.

Prompt: At a Gryffindor party, Y/N caught Hermione confessing her uncertainty about Ron and her feelings for him, leading to Y/N breaking up with her. (uses she/her pronouns).

i suggest you putting the song on while you read :)

I just need someone in my life to give it structure

Just a week after their breakup, Y/N already seemed perfectly fine. She goofed around with Harry and Ron, though she tried avoiding him. She was even smiling in class, and since rumours of the party floated around, people wondered how it was possible for someone to feel perfectly fine only a week post breakup.

But in reality, Y/N wasn't fine at all.

Y/N cried herself to sleep every night, muffling the sounds of suffer she let out with a simple Silencing Charm, Hermione being just a few feet away from her. Oh how Y/N wished Hermione was lying next to her. Or simply in another room. Yeah, that would help. She'd plaster a smile on her face, and pretend all of this wasn't affecting her in the slightest. But how much it hurt. It was terrible.

The only thing that could let her muster the strength to put a fake smile, was Draco. They first talked that night of the breakup. He was going there to avoid this cruel world, she was there for all the memories gone. How ironic was it that the same place Y/N and Hermione had their first kiss, kiss that started it all, would be the place their story would end. Draco showed Y/N his death mark, the girl promising to never talk to anyone about it, and Y/N talked about Hermione, Draco promising to never talk about it either.

Since then, the two met each other there often at night,either watching the sky in silence, or talking about their mutual issues. He was, to Y/N's total surprise, the one keeping her on track. Along with her brother Harry, of course.

To handle all the selfish ways I'd spend my time without her

The only time Hermione and Y/N would be together in the same room would be during class, or at night, the both of them sharing a dorm together. Though Y/N often found excuses to sleep somewhere else.

Y/N was pretty good at ignoring the bushy haired girl. It was the only way she'd survive this anyway. Y/N couldn't even bare looking at Hermione. She was so hurt. Even with the multiple attempts from Hermione to talk to her now ex-girlfriend.

It was selfish of Y/N. She knew it. But what was in need to be taken care of at that moment was herself.

You're everything I want, but I can't deal with all your lovers

Oh, Y/N was so tempted to go talk to Hermione, to go apologize and say it was just a stupid mistake. That they should get back together. But Y/N wasn't a fool. She saw the way Hermione's eyes would lit up at Ron's presence. They used to do that in Y/N's presence before.

Hermione's eyes would still glimmer at Y/N's sight, only now would it be from the tears that threatened to fall every time Y/N crossed her mind.

Y/N was willing to start it all over again, because she loved Hermione deeply. But Hermione liked Ron, and Y/N couldn't deal with it. If they'd get back together, Y/N would sense the tension, and mostly the love Hermione had towards Ron.

Maybe Hermione told Y/N the truth when she said she didn't love him. But it was certainly because she hadn't realized it. Y/N did, and she couldn't stand it.

You're saying I'm the one, but it's your actions that speak louder

The two slowly started to drift apart weeks before Y/N said those deadly words; 'We're done'. Y/N would often glance at Hermione. The girl who was once already looking at her, would be looking at Ron, unconsciously perhaps, but actions speak louder than words. So, even though Hermione would reassure Y/N, saying that her and Ron were simply friends, the glances, the laughs, or the touches she shared with the redhead were more convincing than her words.

y/n x hermione gxg one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now