letters from a loved one

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This takes place after the war.

Third person POV:

Being the Ministress of Magic had its perks, Hermione kept telling herself. She knew the reforms she had made since the beginning of her mandate could truly help the Wizarding world to build itself again after what happened, and, hopefully, regain its previous glory. She was extremely proud of her hard work and she kept repeating herself that all these hours spent at her office were worth it.

Nonetheless, she still arrived at her apartment more exhausted than ever. Door locked, she immediately threw away her bag on the couch, before doing the same thing with her coat. It took no time for her to get rid of her high heels, and she sighed in pleasure of finally having them off.

The apartment was plunged into silence, though you could hear Crookshanks slowly coming to say hello to Hermione, purring as she bent down to give him pets. He then lead her to the kitchen, eager meows coming from him. Of course he just wanted food.

Hermione grabbed his cat food, pouring some in his bowl. She then served herself some leftovers of the previous night, soggy teriyaki chicken and vegetables with overcooked rice, before she plopped herself down the couch. Crookshanks came after a few minutes, resting his head in her lap. He smelled the food eagerly, Hermione having to pull her plate closer to her.

The television was off tonight. Hermione didn't feel like watching it. The scraping of her own fork was enough to irritate her. After a few bites, she placed her meal down on the tea table and decided to just go to bed early. Crookshanks jumped at the opportunity of food.

Hermione went upstairs with dragging feet, not so surprised that Crooks followed her, before changing herself into some cosy pyjamas. There was no way she was going to sleep in her work clothes, even as tired as she was.

It was now a routine of hers to lay down for a few minutes, in her bed, lights on, petting her cat and closing her eyes. It really helped Hermione cool down from the day and just focus on herself and her needs for a few minutes, needs that were being deprived since her new job at the ministry. So that's what she did.

Tears came earlier than she expected, though. Usually, it took a while for them to come, but tonight the exhaustion seemed so high she couldn't contain them anymore. Hermione sensed her cat licking away the tears on her cheeks, which made her giggle. Crookshanks purred against her chest, which only made Hermione cry harder.

Once the crying slowed down, Hermione opened her eyes and saw Crookshanks that was now sitting on the floor.

"What's up Crooks," Hermione cooed, voice strained from the crying, as she heard the orange kneazle make a long and sad meow.

He was looking at the bedside table, where a moving picture of her and her fiancée, Y/N, sat. Hermione's face saddened, and she called Crookshanks, bringing him to her face and covering him with kisses,

"I know, sweetheart, I miss Y/N too."

As of today, it was impossible for Hermione and Y/N to live together. With work, Hermione had had to move out closer to London, whilst Y/N had to stay with their family. Hermione promised Y/N that someday she'd get closer to their home, and that they could live together again. For now, though, they had to live long distance, no other communication other than letters sent.

Right, it was time for letters.

Hermione pulled the cat off of her lap and stretched down to grab a piece of parchment and the quill she had left on her bedside table. A part of her nightly routine was to write to Y/N. So, she placed down the parchment on her lap, and started writing.

Dear Y/N,

Today was hard at work. You had to see the pile of files I had to read! It was never-ending! You really read some of the weirdest things as the Ministress of Magic. For example, there was this one report of an old lady claiming that gnomes from the Dark Forest had invaded her property, and with that was a picture of her house, garden covered in gnomes who smiled at the camera. I had to restrain myself from laughing! Come on, a good Minister doesn't laugh at her citizens' cry of help... (I'm laughing right now ;)).

Shacklebolt gave me his weekly report of investigations today, and he said that he was pretty sure that all the remaining death eaters had been located, and that they were preparing an operation to hunt them down. Your work finally paid off, my love. I'm so proud of you.

Ron and Harry visited me also. Until they are ready for the breakdown of the death eaters, they told me it's been pretty quiet. They've got practically no job at the auror department. I mean, considering we've all been through so much, I think they just underestimate the amount of work they have. Anyway, they asked me how you've been. I told them you were doing okay. They were happy to hear that.

Then, they asked me how it was like being the Ministress. To be fair, I did lie. I know we promised ourselves to never lie to anyone, because lying is easy, but I wasn't going to tell them that I can't wait for Friday and that I'm dreading every Monday, wasn't I? I knew they were only going to worry about me more than they already are. They just can't seem to accept the fact that I'm doing okay. Things have been hard for everyone, but I'm managing!

It was still very nice to see them again. Since the war, we've just kind of lost ourselves? Well, we are all so caught up in work that it took a toll in our friendship. We still love each other very deeply, though, so it was good to talk to them.

I really miss you, darling. You have no idea how. Actually, I don't think I have an idea myself. My brain just seems to block certain emotions, and I think I try not to miss you too much, but it's really hard not being close to you. Just a few months, and I'll try visit you and your family. I hope they're doing okay.

Remember how we used to sneak out at night just to have a few hours to ourselves? Or how we always craved to touch each other, as simple as just pinkies holding. Because I do. I remember all those sweet gestures, those sweet words you used to whisper to me while you thought I was asleep in your arms. Your kisses that made me melt every time, your hugs that made me feel safe. I'm trying to feel at home here, but really, I don't think I'll ever will, because you are my home Y/N Y/L/N. You and your cheeky smile. Oh that smile. I never get tired of it.

Merlin, I realize now you must get tired of all my letters. I just can't stop myself from writing them. Maybe it'll be my last, maybe not. I don't know. Hopefully I'll find a way to contact you other than letters, because, let's be honest, I know your lazy arse isn't reading all of them ;).

Alright, I'm getting tired now. Better be in good shape for tomorrow!

I love you, Y/N. More than anything. If you have to remember anything, please remember that.

With love,
Your Mione <3.

Some of the ink had been smudged by the tears that coated the letter, but Hermione was overall satisfied with it. She took an envelope in the drawer, and placed the letter in. Sealed, she placed a kiss in the middle, the remaining of her lipstick shaping her lips on the yellowish envelope. She took her quill for the last time of the night,

Cemetery of Godric's Hollows,
West Country, England

ya didn't see that coming, did ya ;))
thank you for reading <3

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