mysterious person pt 2

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"Snape has a daughter," Harry asked from Hermione's left as they walked through the courtyard, students walking in and out of the castle like in a bee hive.

It had been a month now since Hermione and Y/N first spoke to each other. They became a part of Hermione's routine, the girl not wasting a second to go to the library once classes were done, where she then spent entire nights with them, bringing them dinner and eating peacefully together. Hermione had kind of neglected her other two friends, not going unnoticed by Harry and Ron, and so after a few days of constant bickering about where she could possibly be all the time, Hermione had decided it was time to finally say the truth and tell them about Y/N.

"Yes, apparently he does," Hermione sighed.

"Don't you think they maybe lied about it," Ron chimed in, Hermione not able to see him as he walked to Harry's left.

"And why would they do that," Hermione asked sternly. With that tone, it didn't matter that both couldn't see each other, Ron understood quite rapidly how mad Hermione was.

Ron would definitely try to find something wrong with Y/N, he always did that with new people. His lack of trust in others was understandable, though. With Harry being a target, it was best to stay vigilant, especially these days. But Y/N was not a threat at all, they were different.

"Well, maybe they wanted to get your attention, and knowing how much of a nerd you are—"

"I am not a nerd, Ronald. But continue."

"They know that the best way to get your attention is via school, so telling you their father is Snape was the best way to get it. And it worked apparently," Ron's voice echoed as they entered the castle.

"I don't think Y/N would've chosen Snape as a parent figure if getting Hermione's attention was really their objective," Harry defended, pushing his glasses back on his nose.

Hermione gave him a subtle thanking smile.

"You've got a point," Ron chuckled lowly. "Besides, they are a Slytherin, I'm not so surprised they're related to him. Aren't you scared about your blood status and what they might think of it—"

"Can you stop being so iffy about them," Hermione exclaimed, making the few students around them turn their heads back to look at her.

Ron had always have prejudices about the Slytherin house and their students, always hitting with the usual 'There's not one Slytherin that hasn't turned out bad.' and Hermione always defended with the fact that Professor Slughorn was a Slytherin and that he was a kind and humble man. Now that Hermione had a real friend in that house, she was more than irked when he said that, explaining her sudden outburst.

"Y/N is a witty and kind person who wouldn't hurt a fly," she said this time softer. She had brought enough attention on her.

"Looks like someone's got a fancy for that mysterious Y/N," Ron added, the only thing he heard being the loud smack above his head. Hermione slapped him with her book. "Ow! Bloody hell Hermione!"

"I don't fancy Y/N," she said, lying right through her teeth.

Okay, maybe she did have a tiny little crush on Snape's daughter. I mean, who wouldn't? During the month that followed their first conversation, not only did Hermione get to know Y/N's sarcastic and cocky side of personality, but also an infinite kindness and delicacy, a bright and funny student, with a charming smile and hypnotizing eyes. She'd never say it to Y/N, but Hermione knew that, yes, people did flirt with them because of who they were, but also because they were an amazing person. Hermione hoped not a lot of people knew this side of Y/N, though.

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