Mei was stoic on the outside but on the inside she was nervous. Satomi-Sensei would never kill someone, she often praised the importance of live and never dared to kill one of the many criminals she put behind bars. She did kill the Valkyrie Killer.

"Yes. Satomi Geto has killed her but we wheren't able to retrive the body."
Kevin confirmed.

Jackal chuckled, her dark voice ringing in Mei's ears.
"Told you, Dragon." Jackal spoke Raiden's codename out like she was rediculying her. In return Raiden gave her an angered look.

To Jackal it was intresting to watch a Herrscher, no matter what information the younger girl was receving, there was almost every time a small reaction. It was cute how Raiden belived Jackal wasn't studying her at all.

Now she knew what kind of information got under Raiden's skin. Her friends. Perhaps Jackal's search for the gem of Haste, and a certain redhead, was giving the oportunity for a new toy to play with.

"I'll go now." Raiden said before she left the room. Jackal let out a small chuckle before turning around.

"Jackal. One word of advice. Don't bother her too much. It would be a shame if one day her fist found her way into your face." Kevin told the scientist.

"Raiden wouldn't dare to. Her goal is too important to let herself make a mistep." Jackal told the Sire.


A week after the whole Fox thing has passed. Theresa and Martha have recovered fully, with the latter one giving Satomi the scolding of a livetime for leaving Kiana and Elham behind.

"A S-Rank Valkyrie should know better then this! I don't care for your personal reasons, my vice captain should know how to follow our protocol!" Martha was visibly angered, a rare and terifying sight.

"I know, do not leave your teammates behind and do not let personal reasons make your choices." Satomi said, wanting to finaly go away.

"And you did a perfect job on breaking both! We have rules and moral, and everyone has to follow it! I hope this won't repeat again, or else I will have to punish you more ceverely." Martha's voice was cutting through the air like a sharp knife through butter.

"Alright, I get it. I won't dissapoint you again." Satomi said and left.


Satomi wasn't sure if it was the alarm ringing through the whole base that woke her up or yet another nightmare.

There was no time to wash the sweat off of her body, nor to look at how late it is, but by doing a quick look outside she knew it was criminaly early.

Salt Lake City was still deep asleep, not knowing that their base has just gone on yellow alert.

Quickly putting on a shirt Satomi had laying around and pulling on the next best shoes she had near her was all she did before going out of her room.

Everyone was in the same hurry as her, running around but being careful enough to not bump into someone.

Satomi had no clue what was going on but she had come up with an idea while she was making her way to the command room.

She arrived just as Kiana and Seele entered, they where the last to arrive.
Welt and the scientists looked worried and sleepy. Bronya was standing beside Welt as his sucessor.

"I'll make it short. There was a Honkai eruption on Coral Island that gave birth to a Herrscher just five minutes ago." Welt said.

"Coral Island is Schicksal territory, and their Valkyries are already on their way, but if they cannot stop the Herrscher we see no other option to step in." Einstein explained.

"I bet all my money that they are gonna send the Immortal Blades and that Durandal is gonna take the Herrscher head on." Satomi said.

"Until we know more we need to make a battle plan." Welt said. Twenty minutes later they had a simple but good enough plan.

"So I'm gonna fight the Herrscher with Theresa while you guys safe everyone who didn't get evacuated, bring them on the Ajax and Hyperion, and stop weaker beasts from interupting." Satomi said.

Tesla was at her computer typing something in.

"You two are our best shot against the Herrscher, if it comes down to it. Dr. Tesla, do we have more information?" Welt said.

Tesla was silent for a moment. Martha and Satomi looked at each other, feeling that there where news regarding the situation.

"Schicksal had send the Immortal Blades, but thats not all. The World Serpent is joining the battle as well." Tesla said serious.

"?!" Kiana looked suprised. Since when did these two fight alongside.

It was silent and gloomy for a moment. No one wanted to talk about the elephant in the room.

"Well. We should do as we planned. Who the Serpent is sending is not our business." Martha said.

"I know it is hart for you to just watch as it unfolds, but Schicksal is certanly not our ally and they have the recources to win. Until further notice the base is on yellow alert. You may leave now." Welt dismissed the group.

Satomi immediantly headed back to her room for a shower and some more sleep.

In the next hours litteraly anything could happen.

Omake 1 (or whatever this is):

Kiana Kaslana: The 69th sucessor of house Kaslana would like to eat girl flavoured noodles.

Raiden Mei: Likes 'White Girl' music but is a in the closet rap fan.

Bronya Zaychik: She is still waiting for her Ps5 Himeko wanted to get her.

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