I glared at her and said, "That's none of your concern. Why don't you leave us alone?" She chuckled and said, "Don't be so aggressive. I'm just trying to help. Maybe you need some guidance on how to spice up your marriage."

I snapped and said, "That's it. This is the last straw. Get away from us right now or I'll call the flight attendant. For your rude information, I'm not jealous, But What's mine is always mine, Always" She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine. Whatever you say. But don't blame me if your husband gets bored of you and finds someone else."

She got up from her seat and walked away, leaving me boiling with anger. I didn't pay attention and thought to go to washroom leaving Aditya staring at me with shock.

But as I walked away, I bumped into a man who was holding a briefcase. The briefcase fell to the floor and opened up, revealing stacks of cash and a gun.

I gasped and looked at the man, who had a panicked expression on his face. He quickly grabbed the briefcase and tried to close it, but I had already seen too much.

He pointed the gun at me and said, "Don't move or I'll shoot!" I was terrified and didn't know what to do.

I wondered if this was some kind of robbery or drug deal gone wrong. I wished I had never left my house that morning. I glanced around and saw that no one else was their to help me, everyone was terrified.

I felt helpless and alone. I thought about my family and friends, and how much I loved them. I hoped they would be okay without me. I prayed that the man would spare my life, or that someone would come to rescue me

Then, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Drop the gun, now!" It was Aditiya.

No one perspective

He had been following the man for weeks, trying to bust him for his dead in his business. He aimed his own gun at the man and ordered him to surrender. Aditya then took out something and open the cap of it, with that time everyone faint.

The man who was having a gun, covered his nose because he knew it and Aditiya also covered Aditi's nose. Aditi couldn't believe it. Her husband had saved her life. The question peeked her mind, that he was a Ceo, how come he was holding gun?

She turned around and saw him standing there. Before she could know, He shoot the men already on his knees.

She hugged him and thanked him for saving her. He hugged her back and said, "Don't worry, I'm here for you." As he held her in his arms, he felt something he had never felt before. He realized that he cared for her more than he thought.

He looked into her eyes and saw the fear, the gratitude, and something else. Something that made his heart skip a beat. He leaned in and was just a inches far from her soft lips. Aditi has already closed her eyes but Aditiya just kissed her forehead.

But their happiness was short-lived. As he kissed her forehead, they heard a loud bang. The man with the briefcase had fired his gun at them, hoping to escape. But Aditya was fast enough to shoot him on his chest and in a few second he was dead.

(You may wonder when he is rich then why he didn't choose his own jet, the reason here is as Aditi insists to behave like a normal citizen and now Aditi knows that what Aditiya was saying for jet was correct as he is not a normal citizen.)

After some time all the passengers also woke up and thanked Aditya and as he was arrogant, didn't even paid a glance.

The flight soon landed in Paris. Government of Paris was informed by the mess in Aeroplane and they paid for everyone safety.

After the incident neither Aditi spoke nor Aditiya. It was awkward for them after him kissing on her forehead.

They reached the hotel which his father booked and was standing at the receptionist "How may I help you sir?".

Aditi looked at her in disbelief as she was also standing there but she didn't even glanced and Aditi knew, she was flirting. "Here we go again. " Aditi muttered and a chuckle left Aditiya mouth.

"There is room booked for us in the honeymoon package, on the name of mine" She waited and then asked him "Your name sir?".

"Aditiya Singh Rathore" the lady was Indian as her batch and her face displayed it. She took a minute and typed something in laptop and then looked at the couple.

"Is she your wife?" she asked but looked at Aditi in disgusted way. "Yeah, She is. Unfortunately" He said but the last one was whisper which was only audible to Aditi, she just smiled sadly though at her fate.

"Name?" Receptionist asked, before Aditiya could say anything, Aditi said "Aditi Suryavanshi" Aditi knew that she wasn't a Suryavanshi anymore but after him saying 'Unfortunately', She didn't had any mood to say 'Rathore'.

She looked at the receptionist with a puzzled expression. "There isn't anyone here with this name", the woman said, scanning the list of guests. Aditi realized that Aditya had used her new surname to make the reservation. "Aditi Singh Rathore", she tried again, hoping to find their room. Aditya shook his head and smiled mischievously. "Wrong" he said, leaning closer to her. "Aditi Aditya Singh Rathore". She gasped, feeling a surge of emotion. She hadn't expected him to do this.

He whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her skin. "Your name is linked to mine -" he paused for dramatic effect, then continued, "- forever".

The Rathore's Bride ~ Hukum SaWhere stories live. Discover now