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It has been a week and I have kept down almost all of my food and I'm so proud. I've done something positive for once and I couldn't be happier. While I am on my high is decide to do something I have wanted to do for a while now. Reveal my feelings for Mason. It could totally turn out terrible. He reject me. But I wouldn't take it all as a negative. At least he would be being honest with me. I decide to go for it. I really have nothing to lose.
I find him at school at recess and he's hanging with his group. I ask him if I could talk to him privately. He immediately leaves his group because he thinks I'm going to talk to him about my problem. Good on him for caring.
"Is everything ok?" He asks worried.
"Yeah I just have to tell you something."
"Is it about..."
"No it's just. I..."
"I wanted to let you know that you helped me so much. And that I like you. Like really like you. I just wanted to get it out. I don't care if u don't feel the same way back."
"It's ok. Ok I'll go. See ya." He says nothing. Nothing at all. Just lets me walk off. Isn't he supposed to like grab my arm and tell me he loves me? I had a go and I guess that's what matters.
This year has been tough. I lost a friend. Twice. I guess I kinda knew that the second time it wasn't going to walk out but I still wanted to try. I lost a potential boyfriend. He ditched me for someone else. And the worst of all I lost someone I loved. Really loved.
So I didn't just walk off after he didn't say anything back to me. I walked back up to him and kissed him. Right on the lips. Right where it means the most. I couldn't stop my face from smiling as I walked off.
That was my perfect chance. My hope in love.

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