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I don't know why started this but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. I can't imagine what life was like before I started staring at my body for times that are really unhealthy. I'm a really jealous person, and I always have been, but this is a lot more serious than that.

To distract myself I think about how I'm gonna get back at Cam. He's playing a game right? Well I am passionate to win. I'm thinking of ways of how to slowly reveal his secret, not just me telling everyone, them figuring out themselves and me supplying the clues.

I start by giving Casey a hint. My plan is to put something of a girls among his things, so when she finds it she will realize that its not hers and wonder if hes seeing someone else. I go for something not too personal otherwise Casey would know that it is mine. A simple chain necklace. I slip its gold length in the hood of his jacket. Next time he kindly offers his warmth to her, she will get a nice surprise. I meet up with Tobi again as I still have no one else I can trust. We talk about things and he asks me about how my situation with Casey is going.

"I think she has moved on", I say trying to believe myself. Maybe when I have a boyfriend I will understand what she is going through." He smiles.

"Tilly, when you have a boyfriend it doesn't mean you just abandon all other ships. You just add them to your collection of already formed relationships."

"You're so inspirational", I joke.

"Thank you", he says with a small bow. We kind of share the same sort of humor.

Looks like it is time to shine. I see Casey shivering next to Cam. Wow. Looks like my plan kind of went the opposite way. Cam slides on his hoodie and hands Casey her won scarf which was present in his locker. But. The necklace still falls out. I hope he chucks it in the bushes or something so i can reclaim it. It cost me $7 from lovisa so i aint wasting that baby. Casey watches the necklace as it falls to the ground.
"Where did that come from?" I hear her say.
"Ummmmmm". Cam pauses. I can see the frustration growing on her face.
"Oh", he says, "That must be my sisters, i think she has been wearing my jumpers lately, she says its cool to wear a guys clothing item and since she doesnt have a boyfriend, she just takes mine."
"Awww isn't she cute". What the heck Casey. Cam's sister is older than us.
She buys it, but as Cam turns to look in his locker, i cans see that he is a little confused of where it did come from.
I unlock my locker to make it look like i am busy. I fumble around and clean up a mess of papers. A pink envelope is among all the mess. I dont remember getting it, that's how long ago I actually cleaned this thing. I run my fingers over the detailed patterned paper. Expensive. I open it with less excitement than i have after i see what it contains. Another note

"You thought I was someone else,
I cant blame you for it,
But i can only be myself,
So get to know me, explore it,
You know me well,
We talk a lot,
If you know who i am then find out the plot."

I so want to know who this is.

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