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Butterflies haven't stopped fluttering in my stomach since the moment on Tobi's front porch. I am starting to overthink everything that went on. It all happened so quick and I feel like I just agreed to a full time relationship. Maybe I did.
My phone rings but I miss cause I was in the kitchen. I rush to it and check who it was that called. Tobi. I'm not exactly sure what he wanted to say. I soon find out. My phone vibrates and plays a delayed chime. He just texted me. I slide to unlock and view the message after putting in my password.
"Got some bad new, please answer."
There are no emoji's or smiley faces or anything. Just a full stop. This must be serious. He calls a few seconds after I read the text.
"Hi, is everything alright?", I say worried. He must have me on loud speaker because I can hear my voice repaying back into my phone. God I hate the sound of my voice.
"Yeah, just something major is going to happen." I hold my breath waiting for him to tell me.
"I'm moving for two months for my dad's work." I'm speechless. Just after we have our first moment.
"Are you still there?" He asks sounding confused.
"Yep, just a bit shocked. Did you only just find out, or did you not want to tell me earlier?"
"No of course not Tilly, I wouldn't do that to you. I just found out. It all happened so quick, my mum has already ordered boxes and I've been told to start packing."
"I can come over and help if you want", I say disappointedly.
"Yeah, that would be great. We need to talk in person."
"Will be right over, see ya." He hangs up before I finish. He sounded really pissed. I would be if I was him.
I am let in by his mum.
"Tilly!", she practically yells, sounding surprised.
"I came to help Tobi pack", I say like I know exactly what I'm doing with my life.
"Aww sweetie, I'm sorry, I know how close you two have become."
"It's fine, I understand the circumstances." I finish the conversation with a smile and head upstairs. When I walk in he is sitting on his bed looking into his hands which lay on his lap.
"Knock knock", I say trying to be positive.He looks up and smiles.
"Hey, thanks for coming."
"No problem", I shoot back too quickly. "So where should we start?" I continue looking around his bedroom.
"I think we should start by talking". He looks deep into my eyes.
"Sure, what should we talk about?"
"Us." He makes it clear that it's a serious topic.
"I Meant what I said the other night", he starts.
"Me too", I say truthfully. I look down at the carpet where I spot some black fluff which has probably shed off his socks. I feel him grab my hand. I look up and meet his eyes. He leans in and lingers for a bit before pressing his smooth lips onto mine. At first I am hesitant and pull away slightly but then I give back, hooking my arm around his neck. At the sound of footsteps we pull away. His cheeks are flushed red. I smile.
"I'm glad we did that before you left", I say happily.
He agrees by coming back for more. His door slides open and we stop. His mum walks in and picks up few things.
"I better go", I say. "Thanks for everything Tobi, I'm gonna miss you so much." His mum smiles at my words.
"We will see you when we get back Tilly, you will be the first one we contact." My heart warms at this thought.
"See you, I'll miss you heaps", Tobi says meaningfully. His mum walks out and he brings me close to him for a hug. He kisses my cheek as we let go.
"See you", he whispers.
I walk out the house and down to my street. I sing the whole way, it's something I do to prevent loneliness. I sit on my front lawn, as I see my cat creeping towards me. He rubs against my back and eventually settles down into my lap. We sit and think, well I think, about everything.

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