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I'm up at 6:30 just like on a school morning because my head is buzzing. I get a message from Mason.

"Hey you available today?" I'm so excited. I really want him to feel welcomed into the school.

"Yep, what are you planning?" He instantly replies. Maybe he was waiting.

"Was thinking a movie and lunch?"

"Sure, what time? Best for me is 10:00."

"Be at yours at 9:59." I seriously like the way he thinks.

I'm showered by 7:00 but not dressed until 9:00. No exaggeration there. I finally put on my favourite jeans that don't make my butt look fat and a floral top. It is definitely me. I like to think that I have my own fashion style, hopefully wanting to turn it into a clothing line one day. I straighten my hair because

1} It will look nice for today.

2} I will be able to have it tamed for the whole week.

3} My natural hair is literally unmanageable.

So how do i wear my hair everyday? you may ask. In a side braid with a fringe braid leading into it. I'm literally known for it.

I hear a car so I put on my black ankle boots which were are bargain, and head out the door. Sure enough, it's Mason. He looks pretty nice. He has that hot, bad boy look. I'm not even sure if I am allowed to say that about another boy. Is Tobi my boyfriend? Or are we just friends with very small benefits. I ponder this as I walk up to him.

"Hey" he says first. I like it when the guy speaks first.

"Nice car" I say. It's an overstatement. I lean forward to see that someone else is in the car.

"My dad" he says before I ask.

"Gosh, sorry. Of course. You're a learner."

"Yeah, seriously everyday I wish I could drive by myself."

"I should probably take the test. The earlier the better I guess."

"Haha, that's exactly what I thought too. Got mine the night of my birthday." I nod in approval. And smile too. In fact I haven't stopped smiling since I saw him today. He leads me to his back seat. I slide in, hoping that it looked more lady like than ferral. He shuts the door and then jumps in the front seat. His dad waves at me through the front mirror. Mason starts the car and his dad directs him around. I wonder which one of my parents would teach me? We make it to the shopping centre and he changes seats with his dad. hid dad drives off after peeling of the 'L' plates from the front and back windscreen.

"Finally alone" he breathes. I laugh. I'm not sure what else to do. What does he mean by what he just said.

"Your dad is nice" I say breaking the silence. We walk into the cinema and browse the posters that are advertising the movies which are showing. We agree on one which is an action flick. I quite like those kinds of movies. Reminds me of when I watch them with my brother. he buys some food and I say politely that I don't feel like any but he insists. I eat a piece of popcorn when the advertisements are on before the movie starts. I only do it to make him feel better.

"Wasn't so bad was it?" he jokes. Well it was because I hate eating infront of people and especially cute guys.

"Yeah, I don't know, I ate before I came so that's why I'm full" I make up. The worst excuse ever. Who eats a meal at 9:58. I feel so stupid. the movie ends and nothing happened. Like it was a good movie but he didn't do anything. You know, hold my hand or lean to put his arm around me. Was this even a date?

"Are you still on for lunch? he asks as we walk out the cinema. I feel like I'm going to bash into a wall or something. I'm always tired after a movie.

"I should probably get home" I lie. I just don't think I can eat infront of him yet. sounds so stupid.

"Okay" he says disappointed. Is he disappointed or am I just making that up.

"My mum just text me and she is waiting out the front. Thanks for everything. See you at school."

"Yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.See you later." I smile. Again. I feel ontop of the world when I walk out. I know I just walked out on a friend but he actually wanted me to stay so that is kind of a first time.

I get into my mum's car and we drive away into the sunset. Just kidding. We drive home.

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