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Casey sits snuggled next to me on her white leather couch in her room. God I wish my mum would trust me with one of them.
"And did I mention it was amazing?" She asks interrupting my thoughts.
"Yeah like 10 times already". I really love her but sometimes she can push my buttons. She knows how much I want a guy to like me or even ask me out, so her constant love novels spilling out of her mouth about her and Cam don't help my self esteem.
I can still smell the strong scent of her Taylor Swift perfume from the night before. Cam had taken her ice-skating and it was fog night. I had such great plans about how I was going to casually be there too but the normal part of my brain stopped me. The non regular parts are like they are because I'm in love. at least I think I am.
Everywhere I look and whatever I think about, it always leads back to him, something that's distinctive and loveable.

My hope in love <3Where stories live. Discover now