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I take Tobi's dog for a walk as she is staying with me while they are gone. The mornings are becoming fresh, dew laying on the grass. I weave in and out trees to give daisy a workout. I see some bodies behind a bush. Well, not really bodies, because they are alive. And moving. Making out. Out of my curiosity I casually slide along the grass with my feet to see who it is. No way. It's Cam. And I'm guessing Mim because the girl is definitely not Casey. My instant reaction is to take a photo. Sounds creepy but I need proof. I snap it and then continue my jog. This will get him kicked hard.
When I get back home I check Casey's social media accounts to make sure that they are still going out. They are. I decide to do this originally. I'm going to print out a copy of the photo and place it in Casey's locker. I still know her code which is really convenient. I do it beside school starts, before anyone gets there. I sit back and wait for it to unfold. Cam walks her to her locker and keeps his arm around her while she unlocks it. She spots the picture and analyses it. I see her brush off Cam's arm and confront him about the picture. They start shouting and I hear him claiming that it is not him.
"Bullshit, of course it's you. Look, I even gave you that belt." This is more like an American movie than I think. She slams the door and then storms off. They are done.
I spend lunch time mourning Tobi. I know he isn't gone or anything. It just really upsets me that we finally went there and then he had to leave. I want to improve myself for when he is back. I'm thinking of starting with my body. I could so shed a few kilos. I really want to get to 45. That would be an improvement. I look at my roll that I am about to eat. Carbs. Not good for losing fat. Looks like I will have to compromise.
"You look pretty lonely over here", a quiet voice says. It's Mason.
"Yeah, you probably heard that Tobi had to leave. It was kinda a shock to me cause he only found out the day before. It all happened so quick."
"Kind of what it was like for me leaving my old school. I had one week to finish up and then I was off."
"You have some pretty good friends here, I mean, every girl just seems to stare at you." He laughs.
"I hope they can see more than just a pretty cover." I ooze into the wood slab I was sitting on. That was really cute.
"I better get going" he says. I nod and wave as he walks off.
I think about Casey and Cam. I know he was really rude to me, but maybe I didn't have to go to such extremes. Maybe he... I don't know. Casey is probably really upset right now and she has no one lean on. No one to hold her. But then again, neither did I. At the start, Tobi wasn't as close to me, I was suffering by myself. Unless she contacts me first, I'm not going to go find her.

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