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It takes me 17 and a 1/2 minutes to walk home. Casey and Cam left the party, ignoring me as I tried to apologise. I don't think Casey will ever get over this. When I arrive home I pull the front door open as hard as I can a slam it shut once I'm in. I tell my mum I was dropped off. Lying won't make this situation any better, but I don't want to talk to her right now. I wish I had a two storey house so I could be further away from everyone. I close my bedroom door, blocking out the sound of my brothers music. I fight the tears because this isn't my fault. But it is more than it isn't. I liked my best friends boyfriend the whole time they were dating. I made a move on him. I loved him so much that I thought he was sending me secret messages. I thought it was okay to be cheating on Casey because it was me he wanted to be with instead. It was so not okay. I'm glad I realise that now. I take Monday off. I tell my parents that I'm throwing up. In my mind I am. I am disgusted at myself.
I decide to jump online and check all my social media accounts. There is one that I'm pretty sure no one at my school has so I decide to be active on that. I'm scanning through accounts to choose who I am going to "stalk". Wow. Looks like someone from school does have it. Cameron Talik. Interesting.
I couldn't have clicked on his account faster if I tried. I read through his "about me".
"Cam👌🏻mates 👍🏻 My honey💟- Mim"
No way. He is cheating on her. But not with me, with Someone called Mim. Casey will never believe me if I try to tell her. We haven't spoken in 3 days. That is definitely a record. I feel so lonely. I mean, I have other friends but no one as close to me as her. I don't think school is appropriate for the next few years now.
Well, my parents disagree. I'm going to school tomorrow and every other day after that.
At school, before classes start, I see Casey. She is talking to some other girl, Cam's arm around her. It makes me sick. Not because he's doing that to her and I want him to do it to me, because he's a fricken cheater and liar. The bell rings, and I'm feeling brave so I quickly walk up to Casey.
" I have to talk to you".
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen her give anyone and walks off. My heart is crushed. I sit alone in all my classes even though people are asking me to join them at the spare seat on their tables, I just don't want to be around anyone. I come home and repeat what I did on Friday night. Slam the door and go straight to my room. I don't need food in a time like this. I listen to all my sad songs until mine and Casey's song comes on. It's too much for me. I miss her so much. I must have cried myself to sleep because when I wake up my eyes are puffy and I feel like shit. I put on more makeup than usual to make me look human. I open my locker when I get to school and a not comes down from the top shelf. I don't even want to know what it says.
"Are you okay,
I hope you are.
At school I wish you will stay,
Because I can't cope when you are away far."
I swear in my head because I just want to know who this is. Imagine if it was Casey. Teasing me. Making me hungry for a relationship. What is she was never actually my friend?. I can't stop disappointing myself.
At least I have science next with Tobi.
"Hey, I've kinda heard about you and Casey". Great now the whole school knows.
"Yeah we had a bit of a fight I guess".
"Oh, I'm sorry".
"It's k".
We sit in silence for the rest if the lesson.
"Hey",he says "you should come to my house after. We could just hang out if you need a friend. Or we could go somewhere. I don't mind".
"That would be really great. Your so thoughtful". I hug his arm.

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