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Everyone crowds around the new kid. I would describe him as a tourist attraction. Another tempting offer, those sweet eyes, delicious body, hot hair. I just hope his personality is amazing and then he would be the perfect boy.
This thought brings on my next "attack" on Cam. Hello. Casey will be dying to check this kid out, and maybe even choose him over Cam. If I don't get in first that is. Just kidding.
I'm still on my anxiety pills. My mum kinda doesn't know that I'm back on them again, but i don't think that it is really necessary to tell her. I am doing just fine on my own. I have a massive test today so I take three just in case. I mean, no one wants me having an anxiety attack when they are already stressed enough themselves. I walk into the classroom and get some weird looks.Probably because the classroom discussion before I entered was about Casey and I. How our friendship had a "falling out". Seriously people get a life. I need to get a life.
Trust me, I am a very clumsy person, but I'm sure that everyone else in my class disagrees.
"I just slipped on a text book", I say thinking that I am saying the truth.
"There are no textbooks in this classroom Tilly, we aren't allowed to bring them in when we have a test."
Next thing I know I am being dragged to a spot behind the lockers.
"I studied hard for that test, why are you going to make me fail, just say if you want to make out, I won't tell anyone that I'm doing it for free."
"what have you done to yourself?"
My eyes focus on the face that is in front of me. It's Tobi. His face red with embarrassment. I suddenly feel like I have just woken up. But I have not been sleeping. How could I be talking to someone for like 5 minutes without knowing I was actually doing it.
Confused I let my head rest on someones dirty locker.
"Tilly, this is not healthy. Do your parents know?"
"What do you mean? There is nothing wrong with me."
I must have passed out because I wake up with my head on Tobi's lap in the school change rooms.
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up, school is nearly over".
I let out a massive sigh. What have I done with my life. He knows I was overdosing. How could anxiety pills be so addictive though. I guess it was that calm, free feeling which I was hungry for.
"Thank you", I say really meaningfully. "I'm sorry that I went off at you like that. As you can probably tell, I have gotten myself into pretty nasty habits."
He looks into my eyes.
"I'm here for you", he mumbles and then walks off.
I am so lucky to have a friend like him. Maybe even more than a friend if I do things right.

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