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The heavens have blessed me. Is it just me or am I the luckiest girl in the world. The locker below me that was permanently shut, turns out to be not permanently shut because it has been fixed and the new kid is in it. I can smell him. And it is good. And expensive too. In my spare time i'm going to go around and smell men's body scents until i find his one. I figure that it is time to introduce myself.
"Heyyyy", I say too exitedly. I am hoping that he is not just going to think i am freak and walk off. That would be really disappointing.
"Hey". OMG. His voice is really hot. Like not just cause his body is warm but cause it is one of the nicest sounding things that i have heard I in very long time.
"You probably know me as the new kid", he continues, "But my name is Mason, so I would prefer it if you called me that". Nice. He knows what he wants. And that is obviously me. At least that is what I think until some girl winks at him. Sorry love but he is taken and he just doesn't know it yet.
I smile in response to his name. Wayyyyy better than Trent.
"So this is my locker", I add hoping that i don't sound stupid. " If you ever need anything just ask me, i'm kinda lonely anyway". I can see that he thinks i am weird by his face. Why would I say that.
"Okay well I will let you go then, keep exploring and don't get lost in the sea of girls that will soon find you", I joke.
He smiles.
"Thanks for everything" He says and then walks off. I didn't really do anything but hey, if he wants to thank me he can thank me.
The bell rings and I head off to find Tobi. He refreshes my memory of what happened yesterday.
"You were so out of it Till, Imagine if your parents found out."
"I know but i have only taken one tablet today, i'm slowly weening myself off them."
"I hope so, i don't think i will be able to deal with you again if you are like that. Hey, what you said about you kissing me for free, was that an actual offer?"
I punch his arm playfully.
"No guy will be able to get me that easily."
"Was worth a try." I'm not sure if he is serious or not, he sounded like he was joking but his face was serious.
We catch the bus to the shopping center after school. We look at random things and get some food.
"You can go look in some girl shops if you want, I don't mind them that much actually." He is so cute. "Girl shops". I take his offer and lead him the way.
"Wow, are trying all them on?"
"Yep, i do this every time with my mum, i have probably wasted half of her life being in here." He laughs.
"I will be your fashion judge, once you have them on, you come out and show me and then you can repay me by giving me a ride home." I take his deal. This is going to be fun.
I start with my simple T-Shirts. He doesn't really see me out of my uniform much so i think he was a bit shocked with that i do look normal outside of school. He gives me mostly positive feedback, some negatives on jeans and patterned leggings that i didn't like either. The final item is a dress. It is so nice and i cant wait top show him. I even brought in a pair of heels to go with it. I seriously look fabulous if i do say so myself. I step out of the change room and see his jaw drop. Yassss i was right. I think i may need to purchase this. Until I look at the price tag.
"Definitely this one" he says.
"I very much agree with you on that one but its $80". He forms his lips into a circle.
"Ooooh, but its so nice."
"Yeah, don't worry, ill get through this breakup. It happens a lot. I only pay more than $50 on a really special event".
I get changed back into my uniform. It is such a disappointment compared to my fab dress that was mine for 30 seconds. I call my mum and she picks us up. I walk him to his door to say goodbye.
"That dress really suited you".
"Thanks, you were a very good judge", I say with giggles.
He looks at me in the eye.
"If your mum wasn't waiting in that car, I would kiss you right now."
My heart skips a beat, well actually five. I can feel myself turning red.
"I would probably kiss you back" I say without thinking.
We turn our separate ways and walk off, both turning back around to get a glimpse after departing. I smile and he smiles back. This is a real dream situation. I get back into he car and act like nothing happened.
"I'm glad you have a good friend like him", my mum says.
"Me too", I reply.

My hope in love <3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt