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Warning(s): long chapter

Genre: sad/fluff at the end

Ship(s): Jaywon

Word count: 3151

<Jungwon POV>

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off early in the morning. It was currently 6:00am and I tossed around in bed a bit before giving in and turning my alarm off. It was my first day of senior year and I was not ready to give up waking up late yet but I didn't want to be late on the first day so I decided to not fall back asleep. I sat up and stretched a bit before getting up, grabbing my phone, and going into the bathroom. 

Once I was in the bathroom I unlocked my phone and played my morning playlist. I'm not a very energetic music listener in the mornings so the songs in that playlist were very calm and mellow. Promise by Laufey started playing so I turned off my phone and set it to the side and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. I started brushing my teeth while half asleep listening to the song.

"I've done the math."

"There's no solution."

"We'll never last."

These lyrics reminded me of a past failed relationship. I'm completely over the guy now but I hate the way I'm scared of loving again because of my past. I always think I've finally found someone who will love me forever until they break my heart in some sort of way. After my third failed relationship I've gotten scared to even talk to someone new. I also wasn't a very social butterfly. Large groups of people make me nervous and I started sweating and shaking if I'm alone. Luckily I always have my best friend Sunoo with me for moral support.

After two minutes I rinsed out my mouth and splashed water on my face to fully wake myself up. I combed my hair a bit not caring enough to style it properly and I headed back into my room and looked inside of my closet. I decided to just wear black baggy jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a gray zip up hoodie. I had already packed the night before but I double checked to see if I had all my essentials.

I walked down the stairs and was greeted by my mom.

"Good morning honey! Are you ready for your first day of school?" My mom asked while putting food on a plate.

"Yeah I am. Not looking forward to boring classes though." I laughed.

My mom just laughed with me, handed me my plate, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I was sitting down on my phone eating breakfast when I heard my dad walking down the stairs also.

"Good morning love. Good morning Jungwon." My dad said while fixing his tie.

"Morning dad." I responded.

"I've got to go now but I will see you guys later tonight. Also Jungwon have a great first day and stay safe okay?" My dad said.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." I said.

He smiled at me before taking his lunch mom made for him.

"Love you guys." He said before closing the door.

I started finishing up my breakfast and I put my plate into the sink making a mental note to wash that when I get back. My mom was in her room also getting ready for work by the time I was finished.

I went back into my room and grabbed my bag and keys before walking towards the front door.

"Bye mom I'll see you later." I called out.

"Bye honey I love you." She responded.

"Love you too!"

I patted my dog on the head before walking out and making my way towards my car.

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