Sick Day

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Warnings: mentions of throwing up (Look out for this !!! if you would like to read but this is a triggering topic)

Genre: fluff

Ship(s): Jaywon

Word count: 677

<Author POV>

Hay had been feeling dizzy and nauseous all day. He took many breaks during dance practice to sit down and try not to pass out. Jungwon noticed his boyfriend's behavior and even asked him about it but was told it wasn't a big deal each time. They all had started dancing together again. !!! Jay had been going through so many spinning and intense moves and just couldn't hold it back anymore. He had ran into a nearby restroom and threw up. !!! Jungwon had stopped everyone and called it a day. He walked over to the restroom Jay had ran into.

"Hey honey is everything okay?" Jungwon asked gently.

He saw Jay was slumped over a sink. His heart ached seeing his lover looking so weak.

"Yeah I'm fine lets just continue and get this over with" Jay said as he mustered the strength to get up off the sink.

"I ended dance practice come on let's get you back to the dorm everyone is waiting in the van."

Jay sighed knowing Jungwon woudn't take no for an answer. They headed to the van and the members gave Jay a blanket and let him get rest while going back to the dorms. Once they arrived they helped Jay get to bed and they all headed to the kitchen to grab some medicine and make some warm soup. Jungwon stayed with Jay in the room for some company. Jungwon had placed a cold rag on his forehead and held Jay's hand kissing his knuckles occasionally. Heeseung had walked in the room gave Jungwon the medicine and soup then left and closed the door.

"Can you sit up a little bit so I can feed you a bit?" Jungwon asked quietly.

"mmm" Jay responded as he slowly slid up.

"Thank you baby." Jungwon said praising him.

Jungwon had fed him spoonfuls of soup and when Jay finished he gave him the medicine.

"Do you need anything else?" Jungwon asked

"Stay here with me and give me cuddles."  Jay said.

"Alright let me go clean these dishes and I'll come right back."

Jungwon washed the dishes dried his hands then walked back to Jay's and Jake's shared room. Jake had decided to sleep with Sunghoon for the night to leave Jay and Jungwon alone. Jungwon had gotten into bed with Jay. He wrapped his arms around Jay's neck while Jay held onto Jungwon's waist. Jungwon kissed Jay's forehead and played with his hair till Jay fell asleep.


Jungwon had woken up. He looked down to the sick boy in his arms. Jay was sweating and started coughing a lot.

"Jay wake up you're sweating a lot" Jungwon said shaking him slightly.

Jay woke up all hot and sticky. He whined and ripped the covers off them while burying his head into Jungwon's chest. Jungwon chuckled. 

"I'm going to go make some breakfast for everyone but I'll go run you a bath real quick." Jungwon said

"Hmm fine." Jay pouted as he let go of Jungwon.

Jungwon got up ran a warm bath for Jay whenever he decides to get up. He walked over to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for the members. Luckily it was their break day so they had nothing going on. He heard Jay's bedroom door open then the bathroom door close so he assumed Jay had gotten into the bath.


Everyone was eating breakfast now. Jay's head was resting on Jungwon's shoulder while he was being fed. All the members teased Jay for being so cute for once but still supported him while he was sick. 

Soon enough Jay had gotten all better and they could all start learning their new dance together again.

<Author Note>

HELLOOOOOOOOOO!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while high school is a bitch. I've had many tests this week including a few quizzes and auditions. Also yes I was sick which gave me the idea for this chapter. Anyways thank you for the votes I really appreciate it and hopefully I'll update more frequently!! :)

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