Chapter 23 : That sly Bastard

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When I'm finally done, Taehyung looks at me. "Ya know I'm offended that nor you neither Jungkook told us about this before. I thought we were best friends."

Jimin nods in Tae's support and hangs an arm on his shoulder. "I'm with Taetae in this one. Were you planning on getting married without us?" He pats his chest as if consoling his heart.

"I'm guessing Ashley and Michi knew." Taehyung gives the said people a dirty look.

Jimin scoffs, "of course they knew. And none of them thought it was necessary to tell us."

I usher them, "They couldn't tell anyone, it was Royal information. Don't you see how Jungkook goes around threatening people of beheading them."

Jimin sighs, "True that."

After that everything calms down while my friends look around the apartment throwing praises here and there. I chat with Ashley and Michi about what exactly happened while I was kidnapped. They shriek in surprise at everything I say. Michi records it in her camera and expresses her opinion about how she wants to experiance the same exciting journey. This girl... We give her a dry look.

Taehyung comes in with a bowl of grapes and hands some to all of us. Jimin and Ashley end up arguing about the grapes, about who got the most portion. In the midst of it, they end up dropping it all on my couch staining the white cover.

I gasp. My favorite couch! I grab two pillows and throw at the two of them. It ends up with all of us playing a pillow fight as the bedroom turns into a mess. When we finally stop to take a breath, it's already too late, the room is a mess!

"We'll clean it up, you stay in bed!" Taehyung says. He pulls Jimin to get necessary acomodites to clean the room.

Jimin brings a vacuum cleaner with him, he ends up vacuuming a few of my jewelleries, Taehyung breaks a few vases while trying to mop the floor.

I gasp, "Stay put, you two! I'll get someone to do it."

Ashley gives Taehyung and Jimin each a smack on the back of their heads, "You're causing damage more than you're helping. Let it be."

Both of them look at me and pout, I give them a forced smile, "Really thank you for both of your help but we're better without it."

We all end up laughing at the situation. Just then my younger brother dashes into the room. "Sis!" He tries to run to me but slips and falls. "Who threw a pillow at my way!"

Jimin laughs nervously and helps Jun get up. Then Jun again tries to bring the dramatic approach of his, but fails. He hugs me nonetheless. "I'm glad you're safe."

Michi clears her throat, "you're late, we're already done with sobbing and explanation session."

Jun whines, "without me!"

I look at my brother flicking his forehead, "How was your practice?"

He beams at me folding his legs on the  edge of the bed, "It was great! A new player joined too. Though he's really cranky but he's good at what he does!"

I nodded. Taehyung takes Jun in a headlock, "He can't be better than you."

Jun grins and nods, "Absolutely"

Michi rolls her eyes, "Don't listen to his bullshit. And it's fine if you're not the best. There will always be someone who's better than you. And it's fine." We all groan at her philosophical thoughts.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "Let the child enjoy his victory days." And we nod.

"I bought fried chicken and bear by the way." Jun chimes in.

I throw a glare at him and twist his ear, "How old are you huh to drink bear!?"

"Ah it hurts!" My little slips away from me rubbing his ear, "it isn't for me! It's for all of you."

"It better be like that!" I glare again.

"You're no fun. Kook Hyung always allows me." He mumbles under his breath.

"Oh really? Then go be his brother. Don't call me your sister anymore. And never ask for any of my friend's number!"

Jun flinches and then grins, "I was kidding, you're the best sister ever!"

I shake my head. This boy!

Thanks for reading!!

A question to all of you

Would like me to give the main character a name?

Or Y/n is fine.

Honest thoughts please!

Engaged to the prince | J.Jk  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin