Death of Emiel

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Emiel grunted as he shot a whiplash of fire towards the cocky man, clenching his jaw as he did so. It surprised Briynwolf, he fell on his back with a loud thud, groaning in slight pain. His armor now covered in dust and dirt, his ankle started to bleed, showing that it did get cut. Despite this, Briynwolf got up anyway, his knuckles were bloodied and scrapped, his hand gripped the sword tightly. Both charged at each other once again, sweat dripped off of their foreheads as their steel clashed, sparks flew of the steel grinding against each other. To his surprise, Briynwolf managed to slice Emiel's arm. Emiel let out a small yelp as he moved back, the blood trinkled down is arm, making his hand wet and stained.

"Not so invincible are you?" Briynwolf retorted with a cocky expression upon his face once again. Emiel glared at him as he blasted a fiery ring around the man, breathing heavily as he looked at the man. Briynwolf look past Emiel to Agust who watch the battle in terror. The boy's hand's were raw from hitting the barrier so much, the dried blood on his face, the emotion in his eyes. The man looked back at the Keeper with a dull expression, a little different then before. Emiel's hair was frazzled and a bit messy, his armor was dirty, the magical glow in his eyes were dimmed. A few strands of hair were in his face but he paid them no mind. The two went at it again but it seemed that Briynwolf used more force and he too seemed to have strange glow in his eyes. It was red, his face seemed to have red veins grow across his forehead and cheek. As the glow grew brighter his strength increased and his movement became more animalistic, making it harder for Emiel to predict what the next attack was going to be.

Briynwolf slammed his sword barbarically at Emiel, who struggled to block it; getting pushed back more and more. His feet sliding against the rough terrine, making small ruts in the ground where his feet were. The three behind the barrier felt as though they were on the edge of their imaginary seats, filled with anxiety as they watched. Briynwolf managed to cut Emiel again, this time it was on his left leg, Emiel let out a shout of pain as he used his magic to blast Briynwolf off of him again. He panted as his arm was still out stretched, the magical glow diminished from his eyes.

The barrier began to crack, Emiel felt as though he could hear his heartbeat through his chest, his eyes wide as he looked back to the barrier. He would only have a few minutes until it collapsed completely. Before he could react Briynwolf had impaled the elf through his side, just barely missing any important organs. Emiel coughed up blooded as he turned to the man and blasted him away with a weak force of magic. Just enough to push the man back, Agust yelled so much that his voice started to become hoarse. Dorian and Varric started to shout and banged their fists on the barrier.

Emiel felt the warmth of his own blood pool down his right side, his sword barely remained in his hand. The Keeper looked to Agust and mouthed the word "run", Agust shook his head as he continued to hit the barrier as it cracked a little more. Emiel, faltered a little as he walked towards the deranged man. Briynwolf continued his ruthless attacks, to his surprise the elf still managed to hold his own with what little grace he had left. His skin began to pale as he lost more blood, his magic became drained as he continued to fight. His sword began to crack just as the barrier continued to do. Once again they came face to face as their swords clashed, pushing against each other.

Emiel glanced quickly at his breaking sword, then glared at the man and continued to push with what ever strength he had. Briynwolf smiled as though he had gone mad, as Emiel had barely managed to gain distance from him. Emiel clutched his side for a brief second before coughing up more blood. His blood stained hand went to clasp over his sword but was stopped abruptly by two shards of red stone impaling him through his wrists, Emiel shouted and screamed out in pain. His vision began to blur, he tried to muster any magic he had to break through the red stuff but it was useless, he was exhausted from using so much magic on the barrier.

"Well, heh, looks like someone's out of tricks. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Keeper Emiel you really did try I'll give you that. But like I said your magic wont save him." Briynwolf grinned as he whispered the last part in Emiel's ear. Emiel let out a groan as he tried to speak as blood came out of his mouth. He gagged on his own blood as he tried to speak.

"What? Do you have something you wish to say? Is the blood getting in your way?" Briynwolf taunted. Briynwolf stabbed Emiel's left shoulder, then twisted the blade as he did so, Emiel's cries fell on the man's deaf ears. As he took out the blade, he looked at Emiel with those same animalistic and heartless eyes.

"Don't you dare touch the boy." Emiel growled as he strained himself to speak. Briynwolf raised his brows in amusement that soon turned into a sort of cocky anger.

"Ha, Haha, you still seem to think your in control here. You're aren't. I'll make sure that boy suffers. You wont be able to stop it, your dying and after I kill you...I can do what ever I want."

Emiel was able to see Agust, small tears fell from Emiel's left eye, his eyes barely held the light of life in them. His expression was almost begging the boy to run, Agust finally listened as he started to run away. Briynwolf felt infuriated as he watched the boy run, the barrier began to shatter slowly as Emiel looked to the man. Emiel's nose began to bleed as he looked at the man with a slight smile of triumph. As Briynwolf shoved his sword through the elf's chest, Agust looked forward with hot tears streaming down his face. The barrier was no more and Briynwolf walked past Emiel's body, the red shards broke, leaving Emiel's body to fall to the ground slowly. his lifeless face was facing were the boy had run off.

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