Deep into Valamar's depths

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As more arrows flew towards Agust, the more he had to dodge them quickly. He did so gracefully while trying to fire lighting back at the source but that proved unsucessful rather quickly. Agust cursed to himself mentally as he block a few arrows with his magic, Bull did the same with his battle axe as best as he could. 

"Damn it! We aren't getting anywhere with this Boss, we need to try something else." Bull shouted, Agust clenched his jaw. He knew Bull was right but he didn't know what to do, they didn't know what or even who was shooting at them. Varric scaned the area again closely, he noticed something flash in the distance. It looked like a a piece of metal often seen on a bow, it moved like someone was taking shots from the bow as well. 

"Hold on I think I see something, give me enough cover and I might be able to get a clear shot!" Varric shouted. The others gave him a nod as they did as they were told, Varric carefully lined his shot up. Agust glanced at the dwarf as if to tell him to hurry,  Varric gave him a quick nod. The shot was lined up in a matter of moments, Varric pulled the trigger as the arrow was sent flying the firing stopped. Silence filled the chamber

"I think you did it." Dorian said with slight relief. The three looked at Agust who had his eyes glued on the spot where Varric shot, he was still very much on high alert. Regardless, he turned to his friends to see if they were hurt. 

"Agust, I think you can put your staff away for now. We are all okay." Dorian said with reassurance.  Agust glanced behind him again, he was so on guard that his friends began to worry alittle. 

"I think something more is going on here, why would they aim just for you? That's odd if you ask me." Varric chimmed in. 

"Yeah, I mean we know he's the Inquisitor but they would shooting at us too. Boss, you alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Bull replied with some concern in his voice. The others looked at him with concern as well, Agust gave nod before replying. 

"I'm fi-" 

He was cut off however by an arrow impaling him his right shoulder, Agust fell onto one knee that hit the ground with a thud, clutching his shoulder as he yelled out in pain. Everyone rushed over to the elf with panic, Varric looked up and saw a figure fall dead from the high spot. It must have been the archer that fell dead, Bull grabbed the arrow some what gently but it caused Agust to shout in more pain. 

"Hang on Boss, this is gonna hurt." Bull warned as he quite litarally yanked it out of the elf's shoulder blade. Agust gave another shout in pain after the arrow was ripped from his shoulder, Varric grabbed the arrow and examined it. The blood on the tip of the arrow dripped slowly off the sharpe edge, but it aslo looked discolored. Varric threw it to the ground in anger before saying what it had on it. 

"It's been poisened, Agust we need to get you back to skyhold or a near by camp to get the poison out of your system. " 

"N-No, I'm fine. We need to find out what's going on here." Agust protested as he stood up. 

"Agust, in case you haven't noticed, you've just been shot with a poisoned arrow. Are you sure you don't wanna come back after you've been treated?" Dorian replied. 

"No, it's best to just get this over with and done. We don't know how long they'll be here, I'm fine." Agust replied with annoyance. 

"Alright but if you start to feel any pain or not like yourself let us know." Bull ordered, Agust gave him a nod in response. The three looked at each other in concern but followed Agust regardless, they did run into a few dark spawn and Venatori here and there. Those were relativily easy to take care of since their combat style is perdictable. The stairs soon came into view, these stairs traversed deep into the ruins but they also sat on the side of the cliff.  The cliff was very high as expected of dwarven ruins, Agust started to feel a little tired from the poison but it wasn't enough to make him want to turn back. As they walked down the steps of  the ruins the ground began to shake violently. Red lerium shot out of the walls and the railings, Varric looked at in both disgust and a lot of worry. The rocks above began to fall from their spots as the lerium forcefully pushed them out of the way. 

"Ah the fuck is going on?!" Bull cursed as he tried to regain his footing.

"I don't know I've never seen anything like this before!" Varric shouted back. 

"Well, then what could possibly be causing this?" Dorian asked in a panic, Varric simply shook his head before replying.

"I have no idea!" 

Agust struggled to regain his footing and the effects of the poison started to get a little worse, making it even harder for the elf to focus on his footing. In the mist of the comotion as flat piece of lerium pushed Agust over the edge of the stairs, the three went to run after him shouting his name but the lerium piled up and blocked the way. After a few more tremmers the ground stopped shaking and every thing became quiet. Bull began cursing as he picked up his battle axe and began swinging relentlessly at the lerium blocking their path. Dorian began to help while Varric paced back and forth with worry filling him. 

"Fuck! Shit! Agh!" Bull cursed as he swong his axe desperately. Dorian stopped to take a quick rest to recover some of his strength, Varric walked over to the two in haste. 

"Are you alright?"

"No, I'm worried about Agust but if you mean a little tired from exerting my magic then yes I'll be alright." Dorian replied as he tightened his grip on his staff. Varric gave a quick pat on his friend's shoulder as he walked over to the lerium pile with a dagger in his hand. The three kept working on the lerium while the depths of Valamar consumed him. 

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