The slaughtered

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As memory shifted harshly, they saw Agust running towards them with terror in his eyes, Emiel wanted to hug him so badly but that isn't not what happened in the past. It seemed as though Agust was able to see them and interact with them once again. Emiel walked up to Agust and kneeled to his level to better examine the boy. Agust looked at the two behind his Keeper with slight hope in his eyes.

"What happened to you? Where are the others?" Emiel asked.

"Keeper they attacked me along with Briynwolf, they were working with him!" Agust cried as he wiped his watery eyes. Emiel's eyes widened at the news, before he could even utter a word; every member of the clan came running up Emiel and the others. Agust quickly hid behind Emiel for protection, Dorian place a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder to help him relax. Agust paid no mind to the man and only focused on the scene that was playing out before them. Dorian removed his hand and looked at the Dalish around them with slight worry. Everyone looked angry some shouted and other just glared at the boy as they started yelling.

"Keeper we found Feliam dead! He looks as if he was stabbed to death and hit by a strong magical blast! All his ribs are broken, even his back is broken!"

"What? How did this happen?" Emile asked, even though he fully knew the answer.

"It was that little bastard! That demon! He should have died instead! He must be working with Briynwolf! How else would Feliam get killed?!" One member shouted.

"Yeah! We all know the little wretch hated Feliam and Hyun!"

"Where is Hyun you little son of a bitch?! Did you kill him too?! Answer us!!" Another clan member shouted. Agust flinched slightly at their anger as he hid more behind Emiel before speaking loud enough for the others to hear.

"I-I didn't kill him! Feliam, Hyun, and Briynwolf were the ones trying to kill me! That's how I got this cut on my eye!"

"Bull shit!"

"You should have never have been born!!" Another shouted, Emiel lost his calm self upon hearing the one of many more insults to come.


"But Keeper you can't ju-"

"I said enough! I believe Agust, none of you will because you have shunned the boy ever since he was born! Remember I am your Keeper, I see everything that happens in this clan. Right now we need to arm our selves and prepare for an attack." Emiel scolded them. Dorian and Varric were even frightened by the elf's anger.

"What about the-" The clan member was killed by an arrow in the head before he could continue his sentence. Emiel's eyes widened as he watch the elf fall to the ground, dead with a thud. Silence filled the air, it was almost suffocatingly quiet and they stared at the dead body. Emiel quickly snapped out of the small trance of shock he was in, his eyes had the look of murderous intent in them. His hands soon formed into fists, and his hair swayed softly in the breeze, some strands of hair flew across his face. Emiel gave orders quickly as he started to walk away from the group, Dorian, Varric, and Agust followed behind him.

"All of you take up arms! Fight!"

"You heard him, come on!" A member shouted. The others followed the order quickly, while they were getting their weapons a wave of soldiers ran out of hiding while their archers shot from above. Emiel quickly turned around at the sound of screaming, his eyes grew wide as he watched his clan get slaughtered like animals. The soldiers had started to set things a blaze, the forest had started to burn fiercely. Emiel ran towards two of the soldiers who had pinned one of the clan members with a blast of ice magic; he had killed them quite swiftly. The clan member struggled to get up, Emiel ran to the member, only to have witnessed the tip of a sword bulging out of the clan member's chest. The elf slumped to the ground lifeless with blood pooling out from the hole in their chest. Emiel stood there frozen with his hand slightly reached out and his back slumped a little, Dorian and Varric ran to the elf with haste. Dorian grabbed Emiel's shoulders and shook him a little.

"Emiel! Wake up! These are memories remember!" Dorian shouted as he shook the elf. Emiel snapped out of his small trance. Emiel said nothing as he simply looked at Dorian with the same cold look in his eyes. Dorian then remembered the warning that Emiel had told them when they first met. That he would be forced to relive the memories as if he was there again, but despite this Emiel did know it was just a broken memory. Emiel managed to pull himself together enough to think clearly, even though there was so much chaos and death happening around them in this memory. 

Emiel remembered that in this memory, his top priority was to get Agust to safety or at least to protect him as best as he could. A loud explosion was heard not to far where everyone was standing, Emiel looked to the source. Smoke pooled out of the forest like ink spilled over a piece of paper, in the mist of it Briynwolf walked out.  His eyes held a red glow, as he stalked forward, a smirk eminent on his face. Emiel, walked towards him after using his magic to shield Agust, Dorian, and Varric. 

"What are you doing?! EMIEL!!" Agust screamed as he ran up to the barrier's walls, his hands began to ache as he put them on the barrier.  Dorian and Varric began to slam their fists against the barrier in a panic, Dorian tried to use his magic but to no avail.  As Emiel walked closer to the brute, his emerald green eyes began to glow as he began to conjure a golden flaming sword in his right hand. Briynwolf scoffed as he began to charge towards the keeper, Emiel's movements were graceful compared to the human brute. Sparks flew off the golden sword as it came into contact with the jagged steel sword, Briynwolf used. The man began to push himself closer to Emiel, their faces mere inches from one another with their swords between them. 

"You know your magic cant save you." 

"It doesn't need to save me." Emiel breathed as he used his magic to blast the man back. Bryinwolf used his sword to stop himself from moving backwards, a deep jagged rut resulted from the sword piercing the dirt.  Briynwolf grinned as he spit out some blood as he began to stand up, pointing his sword at the elf before taunting him.

"You really are something you know that. You think your some kind of protector, yet...I fooled even you. It's quite hilarious actually, it wont save them, think of it as just...prolonging the inevitable." 

Emiel said nothing as the two circled around each other, their eyes each held a sharp glare. The clammer of steel was heard once again as they swung viciously at one another. Emiel using his magic to aid and hopefully over power his opponent but Briynwolf managed to dodge and block the magic with some effort. As they fought, Emiel noticed that few of his people remained in the fight.  However his attention was brought back quite quickly by dodging the sword that barely missed his face. The silver steel shined in the night sky, with brief reflections of fire, Emiel quickly spun around and blocked the next swing with strong precision. Briynwolf had a smirk on his face after seeing that reaction. Emiel frowned more as he realized he was getting surrounded by Briynwolf's men. Agust began to scream as he started to beat his hands the barrier more; desperate for his Keeper to let the barrier down so they could help him. 

Emiel's eyes gazed the people around him with a glint of coldness, he was getting tired from using so much magic. He sensed that the man in front of him knew this, Emiel took in a deep breath and held it. When he released the breath he was holding  spear like flames hit the men surrounding him, making them plumet to the ground dead. Briynwolf looked around him with a chuckle,  as he pointed to his dead men. 

"It's impressive ya know, how desperate you are to keep those three safe. Even if it means that your tiring yourself out and exhausting your magic, ha, your just making it easier for me to kill you." 

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