Work of magister Donegal

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The trio made sure their foot steps were as quiet as possible. Afraid the slightest movement could give them away, Dorian saw a couple guards walk into the tent. Grunts of pain were heard from the outside the tent. Guards walked around the tent, their metal boots thumped loudly in the sand. A small conversation sounded from the center of the camp.

" Oi prick, where is my payment?" Man shouted in a drunken state. The magister glared at the man.

"I told you your payment will come but now I want to make sure we make it back to Tevinter with my slave. I don't want him to escape again or have any interference. You however, are drunk and are a disgrace." The magister snarled. The drunken man took offense from the magister's tone.

"Fuck you, he's my query too. He escaped my grasp and I intend to repay him the favor for the fucking issues he caused me."

"Oh? What issues? The issues where you almost had the clan wrapped around your finger but failed because of the keeper? Or the issue where the little brat escaped from your grasp when his own clan members tried to get ride of him?" The magister taunted with a smirk.

"Shut your fuckin mouth! I had it under control, I scared that brat for life any way. I wanted nothing more the t o see him get what he deserves for all the trouble he caused me."

"Ha! Scaring someone is easy you brute. Get out of my sight until your sober." The magister growled as he walked away. The man muttered curses under his breath as he walked away too. The trio looked at each other with deep concern after hearing that conversation. As they made their way to the tent silence filled the air again.

Another shriek sounded from the tent along with what the group assumed were torture tools; disturbing the short silence. Upon hearing the shrieks and screams, Bull ran into the tent quietly making the others catch up with him. As they stepped food inside, Varric's eyes widened with fear. There on the ground laid Agust's mangled and bloodied body. Blood was splattered on the ground and on the tent's cloth. Dorian stood there in pure shock but that shock faded in to concern and anger.

The guards seemed to be oblivious of the trio's arrival. Bull went into a rage as he quickly snapped the the necks of the guards as if they were twigs. After they were killed everyone ran to Agust to make sure he was still breathing. Dorian carefully kneeled down and held the elf in his arms. While Varric quickly undid the restraints, bruises formed where the restraints were. Varric kneeled in front of the wounded elf with sorrow. Dorian could barely sense any magical energy from the elf. Dorian then clenched his jaw as he looked up at the the two.

"They were draining his magic, along with what ever torture they have inflicted on him."

"Can mages do that? I thought there was a ritual or something that had to happen." Varric replied.

"If they use blood magic or some other technique then they don't need to do a ritual. Considering that it's a magister that's involved; I'll wager he had resorted to other methods" Dorian grimaced.

"We should leave as fast as possible, here let me carry him. We'll travel faster that way, don't worry I won't break him." Bull said as he carefully picked the elf up in to his large arms. Varric checked behind them as they eft the tent silently. Worried about what could happen when the two men realized Agust was gone.

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