The Western Approach

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A week had passed for Varric, Dorian, and Bull. Nothing fruitful came up in the Emerald graves, they hastily made their way tot he western approach for clues. As they walked, Dorian felt himself grow more anxious than ever. The desert was a vast place to search, but they were more likely to find something here then anywhere else.

"Sparkler, are you alright?" Varric asked as they walked past the arch. Dorian shook his head before replying.

"Not really. The Inquisitor is captured by a possible slaver or venitori. My country men who are delusional and insane."

"True but it doesn't have anything to do with you. I think there might be more going on here." Varric answered.

"Yeah, their too well organized even for the venitori." Bull chimed in.

"True but you'd be a fool to underestimate them." Dorian retorted. Bull shook his head as they walked farther into the desert, Varric noticed something shiny in the sand the reflected the sun light. The others noticed it quickly and walked over to the shining object. Dorian keeled down to wipe the sand off of it. It was Agust's amulet, it was stained with blood. This made the trio worry more as Dorian picked it up.

"They must have gone this way, there's blood on the ground too. He left us a clue at least." Bull said with a grim expression.

"We need to hurry, I don't like how this looks at all." Varric said with a frown.

"Agreed." Dorian answered.  As they walked along the path, they noticed the ruts from the cart were faintly visible. The sand hadn't washed it way completely, a slight blessing for the group.

"I don't understand, why would a Tevinter slaver or whatever go after Agust. Last I check Agust didn't say anything about knowing any Tevinter slavers." Varric said as he frowned.

"It's possible that he never told us everything about his past, he is pretty secretive." Dorian replied.

"Guess we'll have to find out." Bull interjected, Varric simply gave a nod in response.

"Still, we don't know the kind of injuries he sustained and how erupts they could be. Judging from the bloodied amulet, that may have been his only way to give us a lead." Dorian sighed. After speaking, silence filled the air. Nothing but the sound of sand and foot steps were heard. It was enough to make a person crazy if they didn't have a way back.

The group walked for hours until the venitori pillars came into view. The sun had began to set and the temperature grew colder. Dorian frowned at the sight, while Bull clenched his fists. Smoke rose in the distance, along with the glow of red flames.

"Let's find out what going on but we should be cautious. We don't know how many there could be." Varric said in a low voice. As they walked closer to the pillars a large camp came into view. With tons of guards, there they also saw the bloodied cart.

"Looks like we found our guys." Bull whispered.

"I don't see Agust though, do you thi-" Dorian was cut off by a gut wrenching shriek. The screaming stopped after a while, leaving the group speechless. The night felt as though it got colder and eerily more quiet.

"The fuck are they doing to him." Bull cursed. The cloth over one of the tents moved the side revealing a man walking out.

"He's a magister. That's not a good sign." Dorian growled.

"Okay we need to do this quickly and quietly with out catching attention." Varric snarled with urgency.

"How? This place is crawling with guards?" Bull questioned.

"I think I see way where we can do just that. Look, there's a few rocks along that edge with trees. If we follow those then we could sneak our way into that tent." Dorian answered as he pointed to the brush.

"Okay, let's go."

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