Taken By Darkness

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Agust's body still refused to move, it was as if a giant weight was holding his legs down. The elf cursed himself mentally as he tried to convince himself to move. Briynwolf began to slowly walk forward, his steps echoed slightly in the dome. The lerium prison began to glow a deep red, Briynwolf's eyes seemed to reflect that deep red as his eyes glowed. Briynwolf slowly started to walk towards the elf, Agust gripped his staff harder as he conjured lightning from his staff to fight the mad man in front of him. The lightning hit him once then was blocked a second time by large piece of lerium.

"You've got some nerve." Briynwolf growled angrily as he charged towards the hurt elf. Agust couldn't react fast enough to avoid the blow but he blocked the man's sword with his staff. The amount of strength Briynwolf now had made Agust tremble a little, Briynwold pushed his sword more onto the staff. The staff began to crack from the pressure, wooden splinters began to poke out of the wood. Agust pushed harder against the pressure he was under, trying so hard to get Briynwolf back at a distance. The staff broke in two, wooden splinters flew everywere, Agust barely managed to dodge the attack by moving his head to the side. He then kicked the man in the gut, Briynwolf gave a grunt as he stumbled back from the blow. 

Agust dropped the staff pieces on the ground and used his hands in stead, he conjured a a small fade rift spell that he hoped would save him. Briynwolf shouted in pain as the rift tried to wither him away like a wilting flower. A fraction of hope rose in Agust as watched the rift but as the rift disipated, Bryinwolf still stood there. Briynwolf glared deathly at the elf, that small fraction of hope Agust had shattered like glass. The man's eyes glowed more as he got more angry if that was possible, the lerium prison started to shake more then it ever had. 

"You insolent little pest!" He shouted as he flung the projectiles at the elf. Agust sloopily dodged the shard but to his surprise his body was slammed to the side. Agust felt the wind get knocked out of him as he landed harshly on his side, before he could atempt to stand up again another block slammed into him from below. Agust's body laid ont he ground, his mouth gasped for air while the man looked down at him form a distance. Briynwolf walked towards the elf fumming with anger, hand hands grabbed Agust by his neck. The elf's body trembled in the mans grasp as his shaky hands grabbed Briynwolf's wrist, trying to get some air in his body. Briynwolf looked at Agust's hood, the hood was now stained with dirt and blood. The feint blue color was now hard to see under all that, Briynwolf grabbed the hood and ripped it off of the elf.  He examined it with his free hand, his eyes looked back to Agust. 

"Using this to hide are we? You wont be needing that when we go back to Tevinter, elf."  Briynwolf taunted as he threw the hood down on the ground. Agust's vision began to blur slightly as Briynwolf kept a tight grip on his throat. Briynwolf started to punch the elf in the face repeatedly then threw him to the ground, Agust landed on the ground harshly.  Briynwolf started to beat him relentlessly, Agust's cries of pain just echoed in the dome. Blood started to drip from the elf's mouth, nose, and his forehead, his body stopped trembling as the elf started to loose conciousness. Briynwolf stopped his ruthless beating when he noticed the dull look in Agust's eyes, the man squated down in front of the elf. He then grabbed a dagger and held it close to Agust's face, the tip of the blade was close to his scared eye. 

"Do have any idea how little it would affect me if I just sliced this old scar open? Are you aware of the statisfaction it would give me?" Briynwolf sneered as he withdrew the knife and put it back into it's sheath. Agust watched him carefully with what ever counciousness he had left but as he finally gave in to the darkness, he heard on last thing from the man. 

"The Tevinter Magister will be waiting for you, lets not keep him waiting."

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