Joureny back to skyhold

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As they rushed out of the area, the night became colder. Agust's body began to shiver from the cold, Dorian noticed and took the cloth from his armor and draped it over the cold elf. Not caring if blood got on the cloth. As they traveled the group came across an abandoned cart, the animal was lazily eating away at what ever it could find on the ground.

The cart looked as though it was used to transport essential supplies or cargo. It was probably going to be the fastest way to get to Skyhold. Bull gently placed Agust in the cart and walked towards the front to steer the animal. Varric and Dorian sat in the back to make sure their friend was going to be alrigh; also to keep an eye on his vital signs.

The cart moved swiftly across the desert and into the exiled plains. Yes it was a lot of ground to cover but they made sure the animal took the necessary breaks so it wouldn't get worn out. As they traveled Dorian checked Agust's wounds, some were deep and others were shallow. His breathing was shallow and sped up, his scar was reopened again and dried blood trailed down his face. The weather began to get comfortable as they had entered the emerald graves. The trees swayed peacefully in a gentle breeze, Dorian looked from the elf to the qunari driving the cart.

"How much longer do you think we have left to travel Bull? He's not doing any better!" Dorian asked.

"Think we have a few more hours then we'll be at Skyhold. Agust needs to hold on until then." Bull answered as he glanced at the elf.

"What are we going to do about the crowd? If they see Agust like this, he'll become a beacon for unwanted attention." Dorian replied with worry in his voice.

"We should try to cover him up with your cloak, if that doesn't work then we should push our way through." Varric answered.

"Do you think they would really do that?" Bull retorted with a slight frown on his face.

"It's possible but not entirely likely. Let's just focus on getting him to his quarters, where the public can't see." Varric sighed as he used a cloth to wipe off some of the blood from the inquisitor's face. After a while Bull stopped the cart to give the creature a small rest, as he stretched, he noticed Dorian pacing on the other side of the cart while Varric cleaned Agust's exposed wounds as best as he could. Bull silently walked over to Dorian after he had finished stretching.

"You good?"

"No, I keep thinking back to that magister we saw in the desert. I'm not sure why but I feel like I've seen him somewhere before. If I had his name then I could figure out what kind of magister he is." Dorian answered as he crossed his arms.

"If you have it would be useful but I think our priority should be focused on Agust. If and when he wakes up we can ask him for details. Try not to drive yourself into the ground alright?" Bull replied almost  in a soft tone. Dorian gave a nod as they headed back to the cart. Dorian began to help Varric as the cart moved. Varric had a grimace on his face as he carefully moved his hands around Agust's torso and ribs.

"He's got a few broken ribs....shit."

Dorian turned his head towards Varric upon hearing those words. It wasn't what he wanted to hear at all. The climate around then started to slightly shift as they reached the colder region where Skyhold was. Varric took off his jacket and placed it over the cloth Dorian had placed to keep Agust warm.

Bull made the creature go faster as they entered the snowy mountains. If it could get through the desert sand then it should go through the snow just fine. Skyhold slowly came into view, it's stony pillars and wall could be seen miles away. As they reache the gate soldiers ran into the keep to get the advisors. The refugees watched carefully as Bull picked up the inquisitor, and quickly walked away with the others in tow. Soon after it had clicked, the refugees and soldiers followed the group with deep concern. 

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