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The Hinterlands were home to most refugees and farmers, along with Red Cliff it's self.  It was a beautiful day out, there was a gentle breeze, the sun was shining and the grass swayed gently.  Agust glanced at the sky then back to the dirt path,  the dirt crunched under their feet, stiring up faint puffs of dust. The ruins of Valamar started to come into view, what dangers lurked with in became unknown but as they walked more up the path; little chunks of red lerium stuck out of the ground. They looked like the small rocks you would see at a pond or a lake, Agust and Varric frowned as they looked at the sight.

"Well, this isn't looking good." Dorian sighed as he looked to Bull.

"Yeah, wonder whats causing the red stuff to spread out here. Ya think its the vent's doing?" 

"Probably, it wouldn't suprise me." Dorian replied with a small frown.  The group stopped when they were just a couple feet away from the entrance to the old dwarven ruins. The lerium shards became more prominant and larger, Agust looked at the shards with disgust. Agust then bent done one knee to further examine the shard and the soil around it.  His fingers gently grazed over the dirsturbed dirt, this was recent. 

"This was recent the dirt is still disturbed, it hasn't settled yet. Which makes me wonder if there's more inside of the ruins." 

"If it's recent then our mysterious friends could still be inside." Varric answered. Agust stood up with a soft sigh as he looked to the door.

"Only one way to find out, let's go." 

The four walked through the door with an uneasy feeling, the feeling never left Agust. Red lerium stained the rocks and the bridge with their curruption, it made Varric's skin crawl. Their foot steps echoed slightly in the large ruins but it wasn'nt enough to get the enemy's attention, for now.  The once mighty and impressive dwarven statues, now stood there with red lerium covering the statues in large crystals of red lerium. Only the faces of the statues remained visable, it was almost like it was the only reminder that those were once statues. Dorian glanced up at the statues with what looked like a frown.

"They certainly redecorated the place, can't say I'm too fond of it." Dorian retorted. Bull rolled his eyes in response to the man's retort.  Agust frowned more as they traversed further on the bridge, it was eerily quiet.  Agust's yellow canary eyes looked around the area with great focus, he couldn't see anything or anyone yet strangely enough.

"I don't like how quiet it is, we should have run into somebody by now." Varric said as he glanced at the hooded elf. 

"Yeah, makes me wonder if these guys are further down or something. Odd that they wouldn't have guards posted close to the entrance, these guys might be smarter then the others." Bull agreed. 

"Think I would have perfered it when they weren't so bright." Dorian sighed. Agust stopped walking when he noticed what looked like to be blood on the ground. He knelt down once again to to check if it was recent, Varric walked up next to the elf to get a good look at it too. 

"It's not fresh, it's been here a while which means there must have been a fight or something not to long ago." Agust said as he stood up.

"Maybe they delt with an intruder of sorts?" Varric purposed.

"Maybe but if that was the case there should be a body here or more blood stains." Bull interjected.  Agust gave a nod to Bull's statement, as they walked further downthe bridge an arrow shot past Agust's ear. His eyes went wide as he turned and looked at the arrow, he grabbed his staff quickly.  The others did the same almost on instinct, they didn't know where the archer was but they did know it was up high. They dodged the arrrows quickly, the arrows however seemed to be drawn to Agust. His yellow canary eyes looked everywhere for the archer but it seemed like the archer was invisible. It seemed Agust's gut feeling was right about someone tracking him but who? That was the big question, Agust had a theory but he didn't want it to be true. 

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