Inquisitor Agust Lavellan

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Pasts, everyone has them.

Some dark,  some light hearted, and some are unspeakable. Pasts make a person who they are but it doesn't define them. For inquisitor Agust Lavellan, his past was an unspeakable one. He became distant, distrustful of others; especially humans from Tavinter. Some think all dalish treat their people the same, with the compassion of a healthy family. That was later proven to be false.

Agust trusted only a few in his circle of comrades with his past; those few were Dorian, Varric, and Iron Bull. Gaining his trust was a journey in its self. That small journey started when the inquisition was still at Haven. Which would later turn into a search and rescue quest at Skyhold.


Each morning and evening the elf would go out to the ledge that over looked haven and Agust would sit on said ledge. It was a place where he could find some peace for himself and decompress. The snow never bothered him, as the dalish  have always traveled; living through cold and harsh times. Varric was the only one who seemed to notice the elf's disappearances. Varric knew Agust some what better then most but he was still some what of a mystery to the dwarf. Agust reminded him of Fenris by his broody nature and cold attitude. At times the elf knew how to be snarky, but he seemed to struggle to tell when people where being serious or just kidding.

Varric had decided on a whim to see what the elf was up to or simply to figure out if anything was bothering him. As Varric walked out the main gate, he was met with Iron Bull and Dorian of all people. Varric looked at the two with a some what confused look on his face as he walked up to the two.

"Sparkler, Tiny, what are you two doing out here? Its a rare occurance to see you two out here together, esspecially you Sparkler; I thought you would be near a fire place." Varric joked. Dorian rolled his eyes while Bull gave out a hearty chuckle.

"Oh please, I don't stand next to the fire place all of the time. I just don't understand why we don't go somewhere warmer. " Dorian replied.

" On a different note, we where going to see what the Boss is up to. He seems to leave camp a lot, so we just got a little curious." Bull answered. Varric nodded as he glanced at he tree line.

"It seems we had the same thing planned. Imagine that, I suppose we could go together."

The two gave the dwarf a nod of agreement. As they walked, they noticed that the snow was covering the elf's foot prints. Not that they needed the footprints to figure out where the elf went of course. Dorian let out a cold breath, the man frowned when he saw his own breath. His footsies were freezing. Varric gave out a chuckle he looked at Dorian's expression before giving a snarky remark.

"Are you cold Sparkler? You look as though some one just insulted your clothes."

"We are in the mountains, of course its cold. How does the Herald just sit out here?" Dorian sighed.

"Well, he is Dalish isn't he? I'm sure his clan wondered the cold climates; this is probably normal to him." Bull replied.

"Ya know, I'm starting to think he doesn't like it when people call him the Herald of Andraste." Varric mumbled.

"Hmm yes, I've noticed that too. I wonder why it bothers him so much, could it have something to do with his Dalish upbringing?" Dorian asked as he brought his hand to his chin. Bull raised a brow at the mage then shrugged it off as he replied to the mage.

"Maybe you should ask him yourself."

"Possibly, when the time is right." Dorian mumbled to himself. The trees had started to disappear as they arrived at the clearing. Snow gently blew off the tree branches, glittering in the sun light. An elf sat on a rock on the edge of the cliff over looking heaven. His black ebony hair gently swayed in the wind, while snowflakes landed on his head. Augst glanced behind him as he gave out a sigh before speaking aloud.

"Does Cassandra or the others need me again?"

"Nope, we just came by on our own." Varric replied as he walked up to the elf. Agust gave out a hum in response as the others sat down next to him. Bull however, decided to remain standing.

"Did you need a break from everything and everyone again?" Dorian asked as he gave out a shiver.


"Understandable, go from being a prisoner to Andraste's herald. I'm surprised you didn't consider running at the first opportunity." Bull chimed in. Agust scoffed as he looked back at the Qunari.

"It's not like I could run, I would have been hunted down by order of the chantry. Or who ever decided my fate."

"That might be a bit of an exaggeration, Agust." Varric retorted, the elf gave the dwarf a glance as he gave out a sigh.

"Indeed, Herald, I don't think every Chantry sister or whoever, would go to the ends of the earth to hunt you down." Dorian agreed. Agust frowned and clenched his jaw as he heard the title many had so 'graciously' had given him.

"Boss, you alright? Your getting broodier by the second."

"Can you guys stop calling me 'Herald'. You know my name use it." Agust sighed as he crossed his arms.

"So do you want the others to call you by your first name too?" Varric asked.

 Agust said nothing before looked at Heaven with a grim expression, as he gave a rather annoyed response.

"Do they even know my name? Other then 'master' or 'lord Lavellan' it doesn't seem like they want to call me by my name."

"I would think they would know it but why they choose not to use it is beyond me. I dunno maybe they feel like they need to show you the upmost respect." Varric chimmed in. The elf gave a hum in response to the dwarf, the wind began to blow more as the sun began to set. L

"Do you wanna head back and get some food and booze from the tavern? My treat."  Bull said with a smile. 

"Sure." Agust replied as he stood up, he then grabbed the hem of his hood and pulled it over his head. For the food that awaited them was going to be delicious but with terrible news. 

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