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"Don't eat the food from's unhealthy". She said and Kunal looked at her.

"Then what to eat? It's better if we don't cook because if we started cooking then I don't think the kitchen would remain a kitchen".

"That's why it's important to learn cooking. No matter who you are". He rolled his eyes.

"If I cook? Would you let me?". She asked him and he looked at her surprised.


"Yes". She nodded.

In just some minutes, she entered the kitchen which was so messy. She decided to clean the area where she had to cook and then decided to clean the kitchen afterwards.

She looked over everything and saw that only some vegetables were there so she decided to make simple pulao. As it's winter and it was also raining outside so it would be really nice to eat it.

Kunal was happy to eat something made at home. He was too tired of eating from outside. The food was just too heavy for him sometimes and he didn't wanted get beaten up by sahil so he kept his mouth shut.

"Kunal!". She yelled from the kitchen.

"Ya?". He came inside and asked.

"How many people live here?". She asked cutting the carrots.

"Well it's me, sahil and you".

"That's it?".

"Yeah. What are you cooking?". He asked as she rinsed the rice.

"It's veg pulao. You guys had some vegetables and rice so I decided to make it".

"That's just so nice of you". She smiled at him.

He waited for the delicious food she was cooking and scrolled through his phone for a while and after sometime he smelled the delicious food she cooked.

"Woah! It smells nice".

Suddenly the door opens revealing sahil with some fruits in a plastic bag. He smelled something delicious and went near the kitchen.

"Oh you came? See she made us some pulao". He looked at him and then at her.

"Why did you do that?".

"It's no big deal. Moreover it's not healthy to eat from outside everyday". He nodded.

"Well then that's great. There was no shop open because of rain so I bought these fruits". He said keeping them on the table.

"I'm hungry, let's eat!". Kunal said.

"You guys continue. I'm not hungry". He said going inside another room.

"But sahil". Kunal went after him. She shook her head and starts serving in three plates ignoring him.

Soon, he gave up and came out to have food with them. They quietly ate and he kept glancing her but she didn't even looked up and quietly ate her food.

"Thank you". He said while getting up and went in the same room he went before.

Kunal ate his and quickly dozed off to sleep. She took there dishes and washed them and kept it back on the shelf. She sighed and went to the room where she was tied earlier.

She sat near the window and looked at the weather. It was dark yet calming. The rain made her relaxed, even though it was winter. She wanted to stand in rain and let the rain drops fall on her.

She remembered the incident when she met him for the first time after graduating her music academy.

"Why is it raining?". She muttered under her breath as she drove her scooty at high speed. She needs to get this food order to the address as soon as possible.

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