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"See...I'm not being harsh on her that doesn't mean I like her or something". He said while not looking at him.

"Oh really?".


Kunal looked at him suspiciously and said.

"If that's so why were you sleeping near her?". His head turned to him.


"Yes, I saw you sleeping peacefully near her".

"Umm don't get to high and I was just I mean go do you're work". He said pushing him away.

"Ohhh now I should do my work?".

"Go or else.....".

"Ok ok ok ok I'm going". He surrendered and went out.

"Idiot". He muttered under his breath.

He stopped for a moment and started thinking about yesterday. That was sure that he slept peacefully near her. He unknowingly smiled.

He stood near the door and leaned back, he heard the muffled cries of her from behind. He's was not heartless......society has made him one.

He didn't knew why but for the first time in life he felt he's doing something wrong. What if she's saying the truth or there is something bad hidden behind her innocent brown orbs.

"Is there anyone?". A yell came from the room she was in. He looked over from his shoulder and decided to check what's up with her.

He entered the room and met with her face which was covered with sweat and she looked like she would pass out at any moment.


He ran to her and removed her scarf, cap and coat which would be making her feel suffocated.

"You good?". She nodded while coughing. He gave water to her, she was hesitant at first but drank it anyways.

"Why do I think that...". He looked over to her when she asked something but didn't complete it.

"That what?".

"That I....I know you". He raised his eyebrows.

"Like how?". He asked taking a chair in front of her and sat down.

"Like I have...seen you somewhere".

"Really?". He mocked her.

"Yes...I have seen you. I don't know when but in a park or garden something like that". He sighed and shook his head. He moved his hand towards her palm and applied medicine on it.

She got some deep cuts while she was trying to run away but still he has to keep her with him, safe.

"It's weird". She whispered and he looked at her.

"What?". Then countinued doing what he was doing.

"One hurts me and the other tries to heal me". She said with a scoff making him confused.

"What do you mean?".

"It doesn't matter. Nobody cares".

"If I care....will you tell me?". She looked at him who was already staring at her.

"I don't know you".

"You just said you did few minutes ago". She leaned back and sighed.

A cough made him turn around and it was none other than kunal. He didn't smirk but his eyes were telling a different story. He quickly stood up and kept the first aid box on the shelf.

"Shall I come in?". Kunal asked and he got a glare from him.

"What do you want?". He asked in a irritated voice.

"Ohh now what I want huh?".

"Kuna---". He got interrupted by her.

"When will you leave me at his mansion?". She asked trying to control her sobs.

He thought for a minute and said.

"He's not here in india". Kunal's face turned towards him and he again received a threatening glare from him to keep his mouth shut.


"I mean when he'll be back then only we'll get you there". She nodded quietly.

Kunal mouthed him.

'Why didn't you tell me!?'. He ignored him and came near priya.

He opened her ropes and said.

"I hope you won't try to run". She smiled and said.

"Where will I go? You guys will catch me no matter what". He nodded and kept opening her ropes until he noticed a big scar on her palm.

He pulled it and looked at it. It was healed but it looked like someone has hit her with something sharp tearing her skin apart. He asked her calmly.

"Did someone do that you?". She gulped. She didn't wanted to tell this to anyone. Atleast not after that incident with Arjun.

"Stop it! Taking your father's behavior towards you as an excuse won't change it".

"Arjun please...don't make fun of me like that". I said as half of the class was looking at us.

It was lunch break and due to heavy rain we had to eat our lunch in class. I was coming back after filling my water bottel and accidentally inside the class I bumped into him and water fell on his shirt but the worst part is that 2 stiches on my palm got opened and blood started oozing out.

"Oh yeah and I forgot that your father is a drinker, right?".

"Stop it arjun". She whisper yelled while looking around.

"And he's also abusive". Many gasps and laughs could be heard. I never told anyone about my father but one day he heard me and my class teacher talking about it and since that day he's trying his best to hurt me in every way possible.

He seemed to enjoy it. Every bit of it.

"What's your name?". She asked changing the topic thinking he won't get bothered about it. But he did.

He wanted an answer that how did it happened. Anyways he answered her with a smile.


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