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Priya sat quietly near the window seat of the bus and it was night time. Many people were filled in the bus and mostly were sleeping.

Her elder sister's daughter is going to be of five-years old and she's invited in the birthday party and she is also going to meet them after so many years.

She was looking towards the window continously that she didn't realize a man came and sat next to her. She turned to look and found him sitting there.

His face was covered with a black scarf so she couldn't see him. She ignored and shifted a little away from him and again looked towards the window.

"Priya arjun khanna". Her face turned to him who was already looking at her with his black orbs.


"Who are you?". She asked again shifting uncomfortably.

"Well no one special to you". He said while whispering.

"I'm sorry?".

"Ahh nothing". She gets confused so she asks again.

"How do you know my name and what do you want?".

"It's pretty obvious but right now all my business is about you". She looks up at his half covered face.

"What do you mean?".

"That's right". Why is this man so confusing? She thinks and then again asked.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about?". She still calmly asks him.

"Arjun khanna....your husband right?".

"Why do you care about it?".

"Well go back to him. Apologies to him for what you did". She understood whats going on.

Arjun has surely sent someone whose his friend to manipulate her. She shakes her head in no and says.

"Why should I? I don't have to do that". He immediately replies.

"Yes you would do it because you won't like to see your father dead.....right?". She was ready to yell for help but his one sentence made her quiet.

"What did you say?".

"You heard it". She shook her head and said.

"I don't believe that".

"Oh I just thought that you would say it". He quickly takes out his phone to show her a photo of her dad at the gun point of some men.

She gasped in shock.

"But how---".

"If you want your dad to live....go back and confess everything about what you did". She gets confused again.

"I didn't do anything wrong! He was the one who pushed me away". He got closer to her and whisper.

"Keep your voice down pretty woman and I don't know anything what he did to you or not. Just tell him the truth".

"Which truth?". She asks while keeping her voice down.

"You know it pretty well. I don't need to explain it to you".

"I'm not sure where you're going with all this. Please leave my father! There's nothing to do with him. Moreover, he's not my father...". She whispered that last sentence.

"Cooking up stories...aren't you?". She looked up at him in his eyes and said.

"No! I'm not...He left me alone. I just don't want you to do anything to him because we're no more in contact with eachother and I don't want to hurt someone who has nothing to do with me". He stared at her for a second and said.

"20 million".


"They gave me 20 million to bring you back and if you give just a little more than that I'll leave you're not so called father". She looked at him stunned.

Arjun gave him 20 million?

For her?

"You people are inhuman".

"No I'm not....but I can assure you I'm not better than your husband". She leaned back looking straight trying not to cry.

What was this new way of him torturing her?

Didn't he had enough of everything he did?

She turned towards him and said.

"See...I don't know what is happening but just tell him I don't care about him".

"Like I would listen".

"But why are you doing all this?".

"Money". He said without any hesitation.

"You can do any other job...what's the need to do all this?".

"Do you think I'll earn this much by doing a job in office or something?".

"But--". He interrupted her.

"You know what? You're speaking too much". He took out something and sprayed on her.

She coughed while asking.

"What is this!".

He whispered.

"Sleep well, princess".

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