The nightmare

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I make my way into the kitchen, grabbing my coffee from Raphael before heading towards the dining room, to my surprise Isadora's presence isn't here.

I am aware she skipped training with Ares today but skipping breakfast is stretch. If I'm being honest, the reason why I had arranged training with him was so she would be kept busy.

I could've easily let anyone else kill her for going against the contract but something tells me having her in sight is so much better. It's not much of her doe eyes, neither her plump lips I can imagine fucking, it's more of her attitude towards me and her inconsistent courage to defy me. No one ever does that lately and I must say proving dominance towards her is strangely the best part of my day. You could call me a narcissistic psycho but I truly wouldn't care.

"Mary?" I call out, finding my way to the head of the table. She appears in sight, brushing off her apron with a small smile. Her black hair hair is tied half up half down and she isn't wearing her contacts today but her clear round glasses instead.

"Where's Isadora?" I take a glance at the table, placing a grape in my mouth

"She hasn't come down yet, I knocked on her door a few times but she didn't respond" she shakes her head

"Send one of the guards-"

"I already did, turns out the door it's locked sir" she immediately responds, making me get on my feet.

"I'll get her myself, thank you" I say dismissing her. I exit the room right away, making my way to get the spare key from my room to open her door.

I ball my fist up to knock hoping for a response but none comes, which forces me to insert the key and open the door.

The bed is occupied by her, her tiny body rolled into a ball with her back faced towards me.

"Come down and eat breakfast Isadora" I stride into the open space more, attempting to open the blinds but realization hits me as I take not of her attire, which is still the same clothes she wore last night.

Her tanned skin looks more pale and her doe eyes are swollen and red.

What the-

"Why the hell did you not shower last night" I rush to the bed, about to grab her arm but she shifts quickly and rolls off the bed. She shuffles away, scrambling on the floor and without notice her eyes get filled up with tears.

"Don't touch me" she says shakily

"Don't be silly" I respond, walking over to her which forces her to get on her feet and place her back on the closest wall.

"I mean it Dante stop. You have no right to touch especially after what you did, you're a monster! You-you abused me! You hurt me!"

Ignoring her words, I walk over her in a flash. Circling my hand around her arm tightly but not enough to leave a bruise as I pull her towards the bathroom. Her little attempt to break free only riles me up more as I tug her into the shower and turn the faucet onto cold.

I don't care how soaked my clothes are getting as I pull her body closer to mine.

"Open your eyes and realize it is the not the actions of another that harms you but instead your belief of being harmed. So listen carefully when I say if they succeed in doing so then your mind is simply complicit in the act. Maintain your control and start being tough because I certainly will not treat you like a 5 month old, now I'm going to walk out of here and I expect you to meet me downstairs in 10 minutes." I say in a gruff tone as her eyes bore into my dark ones. I don't wait for her to respond before letting her go, by just then I realized how much her balance was depending on me.

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