The case

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Getting back to the firm, I make my way to my boss's office which is inconveniently 3 floors above mine. Drawing my hand up into a loose fist, I knock on the door twice with my index finger.

"Come in" he says in a gruff voice. I push the door open to see him in his seat, eyebrows pulled together trying to understand what is on the desk.

I would be lying if I said Matthias Black isn't an attractive person. His fully sculpt face rhymes well with his toned body that the three piece suit hugs perfectly. He looks up to me, his blue eyes piercing mine before gesturing for me to sit.

"Isadora I want you to take a look at this file, so many people are presumed dead and are missing because of this man" he points to a picture of the man clipped to the file before continuing, "now you are one of the best prosecutors we have at this firm, our goal is to build a case surrounding proof to put him behind bars once and for all"

I take a look and analyze all the information given, which isn't really a lot. I must say he's oddly appealing, most criminals I lay my eyes on aren't as...striking. He looks around late twenty crossing over to early 30's, greyish eyes that could kill with just a glance. His hair is curly in a way but still looks moderately healthy.

"I've already given a head start to Lèa about this but I assume with you on this, it could speed up the process a little if not but a lot" he adds and at the time I look up to him, he's leaning on the desk beside me, looking down at me with his arms crossed.

"Why was she assigned this before me?"

"I looked at the cases you were booked on and it just seemed like a lot on your plate" he places his palms on each of his sides, supporting his weight.

"Right well I appreciate that, I have to be due in court soon and after that case I will have my full focus on this" I wave the file in the air along with a tight smile.

"I know you've been working your ass off but I do need an update before the end of the month" he confesses and I blink, not once not twice, three times.

"You mean next week? I don't think I can, I mean-"

"Don't stress it, that's why I had Lèa on it before right? Just take a look at what she has and go from there" he leans forward, hands planted on my knees.

"I should go prepare for my case" I clear my throat, standing upright and running my hand through my hair. He replies with a nod and with that I turn back to him, walking straight out without another word.

The moment I reach my floor Lèa comes into view as if she was waiting on my arrival before. What startled me is that she doesn't speak a word but instead proceeds to follow me.

"Did you just come from?" She wiggles her brows as she closes the door behind her.

"Yes, he needed to speak to me about a case that you apparently got assigned to?" I raise my brows

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, you know how this goes" she frowns, "so what did Mr black do this time" she changes the subject, not the last name basis again.

"Why do you always ask that question" I sigh, grabbing a hold of John's files

"You know why, I mean come on don't you see how he looks at you? Everyone around has noticed how he talks to you" she sits on my desk crossing her arms like back in high school when bunch of girls would huddle around to gossip

"He talks and looks at me like he does to every other person now please get your ass off my desk and find me something useful to use in the trial" I reply back turning on my computer to access the security cameras of John's house.

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