Episode 10: "The Hero Gala"

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As Izuku pulls into the apartment parking lot, he notices the black hoodie on the floorboard of the passenger seat. He smiled grabbing the hoodie and folding it in the seat.

I'll return it to him after his classes. He thought, deciding to leave the hoodie in the car. He had unintentionally learned Katsuki's schedule by now, which wasn't creepy at all.

After a long day of waiting around the house, watching boring TV, and scrolling through his phone, he finally decided it was late enough to return the hoodie. He would have returned it at lunch but the blonde had canceled today.

He pulled out his smartphone and sent the blonde boy a quick text, before heading out the door.


As he pulled into the parking lot of the bustling campus his phone went off. Katsuki's texts of protest appeared on the screen. Izuku smiled to himself, grabbing the hoodie and getting out of the car.

As he walked towards the building he clicked the key, locking the car. Several passing students stared, while some whispered to their peers at the sight of the famous man. He pulled the door of the dorm building open and entered into a common room. All eyes turned to him as he entered the room including a familiar pair of red ones.

"Kacchan!" He smiled brightly as if he hadn't seen him just a few hours ago.

"Deku..." The blonde grumbled from the couches. The two friends that sat beside him eyes bounced back and forth between the two. "What are you doing here?" He glared. "I thought I said, I'd come get it."

"But I wanted to see you!" Deku sweetly smiled again making the girls in the room melt.

"That's so sweet! I'm jealous." Uraraka said.

"Is he single?" Someone whispered rather loudly.

"Uh... anyway, here's your hoodie." Deku handed over the clothing item and stood there awkwardly. A few quiet 'awws' floated around and all the girls were making heart eyes at this point. Mina however sat back in her seat with a silent smirk.

"Thanks," Katsuki says awkwardly, then with a deep sigh he grabbed Izuku by the arm and dragged him off towards the elevator.

"Bye, Mr. Deku!" Mina shouts with a wave, watching over the back of the couch. Izuku nervously waves back before he is dragged out of sight. "I ship it." She says as she sits back down.

"Ew! Isn't he like old?"

"Not that old! Weren't you the one asking if he was single!?"



Deku is dragged to the elevator, and up to the next floor. Katsuki unlocked his dorm room and scanned the hallway before swiftly pulling the man inside.

"Ouch.." Deku says rubbing his bicep.

"DEKUU! I"M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!" Katsuki lunges at the hero, and Izuku quickly sidesteps the attack.

"Calm down! I'm sorry!" Izuku attempts to reason as he is chased around the small dorm. "Why is it a big deal anyway?" He asks as he stops and puts his hands up, then sits on the bed.

"Well one, it's embarrassing." Katsuki continues glaring as he sits in his desk chair.

"You think I'm embarrassing?" The hero pouts.

"Yes." He replies bluntly.


"Secondly, everyone here is a fan. I don't want to have to listen to them gawk over you and your muscles."

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