Episode 4: "Princess"

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[Notes: You know the drill, it sucks, enjoy.]

"So Kacchan... how's school been?"

"Seriously?" Katsuki scowled.

"Sorry. We are running out of things to talk about."

"Well, how's work coming then? That's a more interesting topic."

"I don't know. I've been kinda' distracted lately..."

"Distracted? I'm sorry. I'll find someone else to intern with." The blonde kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"No, no. It's not you, Kacchan," Izuku reassured.

"But I'm probably not helping either."

"No, you are. I've been a better hero ever since we started talking again."



"What?" Katsuki had kept his head down the entire conversation.

"Look at me." The man almost ordered.

The younger boy's head shot up at the tone used, the reaction from shock mixed with a small amount of fear. He was met with a serious look that matched the tone.

"You're not the distraction. I love being with you," Izuku said, ending it with his infamous smile.

"Whatever." The blonde felt his heart race. His thoughts had roamed into the not-so-PG13 once again. He laid his head on the bed in an effort to hide his raging blush.

Izuku only chuckled, oblivious to the other's obvious gay panic.



"Kacchan! You can't say that as a hero; you need to encourage and set an example."

"Example my ass." Katsuki grumbled.


"Whatever." He glared as he adjusted his gauntlets and pants.

"So, let's try again."

"Would you rather fight Dabi or Toga?" Katsuki asked, continuing their game.

"Dabi, definitely. Toga is obsessed with me; she is very handsy." Izuku laughed. "Yeah, um..." He looked off deep in thought, surprisingly not muttering. "Be forced to drink sardine juice or have to clean a Taco Bull bathroom."

Only silence answered; he looked over to Katsuki zoned out.


"Hmm?" He responded, in a daze.

"You alright?"

"Mhm. Just thirsty..."

"Me too." The blond looked up to meet Izuku's eyes.

"Really?" Katsuki slightly moved closer to his crush.

"Yeah..." The blonde leaned in. "Do you have another coffee?"

"What-" The blonde froze. "No..." He curled into a ball, frustrated and a blushing mess.

"It's ok. Kacchan, I'll pick one up on the way home," Izuku said patting the other's back softly.

"Deku I-"


"One second Kacchan. It's your mom."

"My fucking mom? Seriously..." He whispered to himself.

"Hello?" (deku)

"I'm good! How about you, Auntie?" (deku)

"I'm not actually." (deku)

"Oh, of course I would love to!" (deku)

"I can bring him home if you want?" (deku)

"Okay! See you then!" (deku)

He smiled and hung up, placing his phone in the pocket of his hero suit.

"So?" Katsuki asked.

"Oh!" Izuku blushed in embarrassment. "Your mom invited me over for dinner tonight! And I'm taking you home for her."

"Oh, that's just wonderful." The blonde added a smile to his sarcasm.

"Do you not want a ride?" The boy inwardly slapped himself for his outrageously dirty mind. "You can walk if you want." The hero teased.

"Whatever. I need to get to class." Katsuki zipped his bag and stood up, swiftly slipping the backpack onto his shoulders. He gave his crush a final glance before turning to walk away.

"Bye Kacchan! What time do you get out?"

"Why don't you ask my mom? You're best friends now." The younger of the two escaped into the stairwell before the other had time to respond.

Katsuki stared down at his phone mindlessly as he stood at his open locker. He quickly set his phone down and grabbed his needed textbooks. He slammed the door shut, stuffed his books into his bag, and his phone in his pocket.

He walked towards the large entrance with the bag slung around his back. He had forgotten about his ride situation and subconsciously walked towards the sidewalk. Until he ran square into something, a chest, a very large muscular chest that was oddly familiar. The blonde stepped back to be met with a smirking Izuku. The boy eyed him closely, observing how attractive his attire was. However, his outfit only consisted of a white t-shirt, a brown leather jacket, black jeans, and his typical red high-tops.

"Ready?" The hero asked.

"Huh- Oh, yeah, I guess so." The blonde responded, remembering their conversation from earlier.

The taller of the two stepped towards the conveniently parked car and opened the door. At first, the blonde was shocked to not have noticed the sleek black corvette, but then looked to see the man holding the door patiently.

"I'm not a girl." He glared.

"So? Princess treatment comes with the ride, sweetheart." Izuku said, smirking at the end.

"I hate you." The boy grumbled and stepped into the car, sitting down with a scowl.

"It's pronounced 'Love you' Kacchan." He said pushing the door closed and walking around the front.

He got into the driver's seat and started the car; eventually, they sped off towards the Bakugou household. Upon arrival, Izuku practically leaped from the car and raced to open the other's door. Katsuki only grumbled and walked to the front door.

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