Episode 9: "Best friend"

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(Unedited- don't judge I can't spell)

Quick note before you read: Italicized words (slanted text) is representative of thoughts, since this chapter is mostly in a third person point of view, the thoughts will belong to who last spoke, or it with have obvious identifiers that imply who is speaking.




"I guess just you being here, I really needed this. I was stupid to think we should be apart. I need my best friend."

Best friend? Is that good or bad? Katsuki thought. It still felt like a knife to the heart.

"Do you want to stay a bit longer?" Izuku asked.

"What?" Katsuki asked returning from his thoughts.

"Well I assume you would be planning to leaving soon so, do you want to stay till lunch?" He explained. Anything to keep him here just a bit longer.

"Oh, okay." The blonde agreed, taking a sip of his juice. Anything to stay just a bit longer.



They ended up talking and watching movies for the remainder of the day. It was far past lunch, they had ordered pizza for dinner.

The sound of the doorbell startled them both, "I'll get it." Izuku said as he stood up from the couch.

"I'll get the plates." Katsuki stated as he walk off into the kitchen.

"K." God, I could get used to this. He thought as he walked to the door.

"Order for Mr. Midoriya?" The pizza guy tiredly asked.

"Yep, thank you. And just keep the change." Izuku smiled as he took the pizza and handed the boy the money. He shut the door and walked to table. "Order up, I present you the best pizza in the world." He said as he opened to box in front of the younger boy.

"Doubt it." Katsuki said seemingly unimpressed. He took a slice from the box and they 'dug in'.

"Delicious.." Izuku said as he took another bite.

"It's heavenly.." Katsuki sighed while practically stuffing his face.

"I told you, but you never believe me." The pro bragged.

"Shut up." The blonde sneered and kicked the other under the table.


"What a wus." He rolled his eyes as he finished the last slice.

"You're lucky I'm nice enough to not kick you back." Izuku said as he took both of their plates. He walked to the kitchen and dumped the disposable plates in the trash.

"Mhm, sure."

"Sassy teenagers, don't miss em'." Izuku joked.

"Annoying adults, hate em'." Katsuki retaliated, folding the pizza box back up.

Izuku just glared as he took the boxes from the other. The night went just as late as before and they found themselves back into the hero's warm bed, inches apart.

Bakugou rolled over to face the other, a smile adorned Izuku's face as he slept. Adorable. As he began to drift off to sleep, the words of the other kept ringing in his head. Best friend? It felt so good that he said he needed me, but the friend part seemed to sting. Was that all I was to him, nothing more?




They woke up the same way, intertwined limbs and skin to skin. However, this time Izuku woke first, a subconscious smile adorned his face. He's so beautiful. I wish we could stay like this forever. He brushed back a gold spike behind his ear, he placed a small kiss on the blonde's forehead. Shit. I can't get attached, what the hell am I doing?  He quietly got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. He hadn't had his routine nightmares two nights in a row, it felt like heaven.

He poured a cup of coffee, and turned on the TV. He sighed as he sat down, the TV played some shit news channel.

Some time passed, he wasn't sure how much, when a tired figure appeared in the doorway. Izuku's old T-shirt hung loosely off the blonde's exposed shoulder. Shit, He's gorgeous. He thought. Katsuki sluggishly shuffled over to couch, still half asleep. He sat next to the other, grabbed the blanket and snuggled into himself. A few moments later he felt a weight on his side, he looked down to find the blonde passed out, cuddled into his side. Fucking hell.

After a few sleepy hours, the blonde found himself snuggled on the hero's lap. He immediately scrambled off of his crush startling the man.

"Sorry." He awkwardly said avoided eye contact. "What time is it?" He asked looking around for a clock.

"About 9:30? Why?" Izuku answered looking down at his watch.

"Shit. I'm late." Katsuki's eyes were filled with terror as he scrambled of to the bedroom to collect his belongings.

"Ugh.. I forgot I should have woke you up. I can drive you there fast that you can take the train." Izuku said following him into the hallway. He went to his dresser and got out a clean shirt, he pulled off his T-shirt.  As he put on the new one he turned to see a very embarrassed Katsuki trying but miserably failing to hide his cherry red face.

He chuckled. Cute.

They left the cozy apartment around 9:50 and speed off in Izuku's corvette.

"It might be a bad time to ask but uh," Deku rambled. "Do you want to come to the hero gala? with me?"

"Like a date?" Katsuki smirked.

"No! No! Just as my plus one you know! Nothing weird." Izuku defended himself frantically as he drove very much over the speed limit.

"I'm just fucking with you nerd. Of course I'll be your date." Katsuki smirked once more.

"I can't win with you, can I?" The hero chuckled.

"Nope." The blonde shrugged. "Take me around to the dorms, I have to get my uniform." He instructed as they pulled into the school. My mom is going to murder me.

"Sir yes sir." Izuku joked. He only got an eye roll in return.

As the car was brought to a stop Katsuki bailed out of the car in a sprint to the door building.

"SORRY AGAIN! I'LL TEXT YOU ABOUT THE GALA!" Izuku shouted from the open car window. The blonde shot him a thumbs up before running inside to change. Izuku pulled off with a roar of the engine and sped home. He hadn't mentioned that also was late, for work.

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